Ellie loves to be on technology and plays video games?
True vs False
What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks?
Find the error:
I like to dance alot.
"a lot" is two words!
Where did ballet originate?
Ellie wishes she could sing?
True vs False
What breaks but never falls?
I have a pound of feathers and a pound of iron. Which one weighs more?
They both weigh a pound!
What was Shirley Temple famous for?
Tap Dance
Ellie has a bunny, 2 dogs, and fish?
True vs False
Can run but never walks, Has a mouth and never talks, Has a head but never weeps, Has a bead but never sleeps.
A River
Who created the Olympics?
The Romans
What is first position in dance? Show me!
Whoever does it correctly first!
Ellie had bangs?
True vs False
The moon is my father. The sea is my mother. I have a million brothers. I die when I reach land.
Who was Alexander Hamilton married to?
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton.
What is the longest ballet?
Sleeping Beauty
Ellie Can do an areal but can't do a back handspring?
True vs False
I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. What am I?
A Cloud
There are more trees on our planet than stars in our galaxy?
True vs False
Who made the Nutcracker ballet music?