This unusual superhero book is written by Dav Pilkey
What is Captain UNderpants?
This organ pumps blood to your body
what is the heart?
If you are a Sith Lord, you have this color light saber
What is red?
There are this many letters in the word, "bear."
what is 4?
Name 2 green vegetables
What are broccoli, cucumber, spinach, brussel sprouts, beans, peas, zucchini, pickles, kale, all lettuces....etc
This is the author of The Cat in the Hat
Who is Dr. Seuss?
This organ helps you breath
WHat are the lungs?
This is the (main)color of the droid C3PO
What is gold?
This is the number of letters in the alphabet
What is 26?
Name 2 red fruits
What are tomotatoes, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, watermelon, cranberries, pomegranate, etc.
This book genre is about something that actually happened.
What is non-fiction?
This type of imaging helps us to see if a bone is broken
What is an xray?
This Star Wars character is the mother of Kylo Ren
Who is Princess Leia?
This is the first vowel in the alphabet
What is A?
Which one of these typically grows from the ground? Fruit or vegetables?
WHat are vegetables?
This is the school that Harry POtter attends
What is HOgwarts?
This is the name of the bone that protects your brain
What is the skull?
This character killed Han Solo
Who is Kylo Ren?
This is the tpye of letter you should start a proper name or noun with.
What is uppercase or capital?
A person who eats no animal products is caleld this
what is vegan?
This is the name of the cat who always stays cool and keeps on singing his song
Who is Pete the cat?
This is the longest bone in the human body
What is the femur or thigh bone?
This is the planet that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker battled on
What is Mustafar?
Name the 5 vowels.
What are A, E, I ,O & U
This is the food group that bread belongs in?
What are grains or carbs?