Author's Purpose
Testing Strategies
Inferences and Main Idea
Dr. Jane writes a prescription for you and adds a list of information. What is the author’s purpose? ? -The author’s purpose is to...
What is inform?
This testing strategy is only used for the most important parts of a reading.
What is a Highlighting/Using a highlighter?
This means the central message or lesson of a story
What is theme?
You see people standing outside, they are shivering and stomping their feet.

The people are doing this because...

A) they are angry
B) they are cold
C) they are farmers
D) they are hot
What is B?
This is the most exciting part of any story.
What is the climax?
Authors use vivid language to create or paint a picture in the reader's mind.
What is Imagery?
Using evidence means...
A.) To use supporting details from the text to support your answer.
B.) To repeat the main idea of the text.
C.) Look for the main idea.
D.) Use the information to find the theme.
A.) To use supporting details from the text to support your answer
Whjat is the meaning of implicit theme?
Implicit means hidden
This is usually found in the first or last sentence of a paragraph.
A.) Theme
B.) Inference
C.) Main Idea
D.) Context Clues
What is the Main Idea?
This is the lesson, or moral, of a story.
What is theme?
These are four common reasons that authors write.
What is Inform, Persuade, Entertain, or Express an Opinion?
Based on the information in paragraph 2, I can infer that the character is excited. The 1st sentence reads, "Jane was smiling all day. She even forgot to brush her hair."
This is an example of...
What is using evidence?
This type of poetry is the most popular form of Japanese poetry. It consists of 3 lines. The first and third lines are 5 syllables long, and the second line is 7 syllables long. These poems usually focus on a moment in everday life and include a seasonal word.
What are haiku?
In a story called "Meg's Wonderful Surprise," what would most likely be the main idea?

A.) Meg was scared of going to school and found that she didn't like it.
B.) Meg didn't want to go to school until she found out her friend was also there.
C.)Meg really liked school.
D.) Meg's teacher was surprised at how smart she was.
What is B?
This is the feeling, or emotion of a story.
What is mood?
This type of figurative language is an intentional (and extreme) exaggeration.
What is hyperbole?
Which of these is not a testing strategy?
A.) Eat breakfast the day of a test and get plenty of rest the night before.
B.) Eliminate answers that don't make sense. Try to narrow the choices down to two when you are unsure of the correct answer.
C.) Highlight and make notes that are about the main idea.
D.) None of the Above
What is D?
This type of poem makes a "shape" on the page. It usually looks like its subject.
What is pattern poetry?
The question you ask yourself when you can't find the main idea...
"What is the most important idea in the paragraph?"?
The author's reason for writing a story is also called this.
What is author's purpose?
This is the repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of words.
What is alliteration?
Analyze the meaning of unknown words by dividing them into prefix, root, and suffix and trying to define each part.
What is a testing strategy?
This type of poetry doesn't have any regular rhythm or ryhme. It just flows on the page.
What is free verse?
There are many unique schools in Houston,TX. Walipp TSU Middle School is one of them. Walipp Middle School is full of intelligent students. Many of the students work really hard in class without anyone asking them. Because of their intelligence, 100% of the students are expected to pass the STAAR test. Ms. Berry, their 91 year old teacher, has faith in them all.

What is the main idea in this sentence?
A.) Walipp is full of intelligent students.
B.) Many students work really hard in class without anyone asking them.
C.) There are many unique schools in Houston, TX.
D.) Ms. Berry has faith in her students.
A.) Walipp is full of intelligent students.
This is a note at the bottom of a page, marked with a number, that gives more information about a word, date, or event.
What is a footnote?