What is Eloise's favorite sport to watch?
NBA Basketball
What is Eloise's favorite subject?
What is her full name?
Rachel Eloise Ackman
What is Eloise's favorite color?
When did Eloise meet Nick for the first time?
Summer of 2017 at Henley on the Thames
What instruments can Eloise play?
Guitar and Drums
Who was Eloise's most formative teacher?
Daragh Grant
Where did she grow up?
1 West 81st Street (CPW), Upper West Side
What is Eloise's favorite color to wear?
What does Eloise call her pattern where she feels like she's always 'bad' and 'in the wrong?'
When did Eloise learn to inhale/ truly smoke weed?
Summer of 2021, shortly after dating Nick (he taught her)
What was the name of Eloise's major in college? And what was her specific focus?
Social Studies, Social Theory/Philosophy
What is Eloise's Mom's maiden name?
Karen Ann Herskovitz
What is Eloise's favorite type of shoe to wear?
What movie was Eloise's sexual awakening?
Drake Bell making out with a woman on a plane in Drake and Josh Go to Hollywood
What are the names of Eloise's favorite workout instructors and where do they teach?
Jienne, Alya, and Antony at Corepower WB
Sam Y at SoulCycle
What Hegelian concept does Eloise thinks rings the most true?
Dialectic of Recognition
What did Eloise say she wanted to be when she 'grew up?'
Supreme Court Justice
What is Eloise's favorite article of clothing?
Mid-weather jacket
West Wing
Harry Potter
A Promised Land
What are the names of the influencers Eloise went through a stage of being obsessed with watching?
Sami Clarke, Morgan Riddle, Sanne Vloet, Hellen Owen, and Paige Lorenze
What was the name of her undergraduate thesis?
No Way Out: The Concept of Reification in Western Marxist Thought
-can teach kids in a way that actually nurtures their learning
-have cozy and intellectual conversations all the time
-play lots of games and do activities
What city has the aesthetic Eloise likes most?
What is the shape of Eloise's colon?