IC/Size Up
What do the following stand for? IC EOC FEMA CERT EMS FMO
Incident Command Emergency Operations Center Federal Emergency Management Agency Citizens Emergency Response Team Emergency Medical Services Fire Marshals Office
Name the following people: C-11 L-32 55
C-11=Danton Kerz L-32=Earle Pope 55=Alex Leiden
All the EU-CERT officers are on a retreat in New York. Should CERT get called out, who would assume incident command? Why?
The senior member, or the member with the most experience. Anyone can be IC. It is important for everyone to realize that, and all IC's need to remember the basic CERT rules. Don't do anything out of our scope of practice.
What is C-Com? What is Communications? (As a radio call sign)
C-Com= Alamance County Central Communications, aka 911 dispatch Communications= Elon University Campus Safety and Police Dispatch
You and your team see a patient stuck in an elevator. The eleavtor is stuck between floors, and the door is only paritally open, leaving only a two foot by one foot space to access the elevator. Is it safe to proceed? Why or why not?
No. There is no way to tell if the elevator is secure, or will start moving again. The team should call an officer or IC.
Translate the following radio transcript: CSPD:CERT please respond. The box, 2011, the address 320 North Antioch Avenue, East College St to East Haggard Ave. Buidling Evacuation. C-13:CERT is responding to the box CSPD: 20:42 the time C-13: CERT is 10-84 at the box C-11: C-11 is also 10-84 at the box CSPD: 10-4. PD is also en route. C-11: C-11 to CSPD, transmit a 10-60 at the box, structural collapse.
CSPD- Campus Safety and Police Disptach The address CERT is en route Danton is assuming command There is a major emergency at this scene (building collapse)
Name four supplies used in splinting a long bone fracture.
Medical Tape Splints Triangle Bandages Rolls of Gauze Blanket (rolled up) Pillow
What does the term "scope of practice" mean? What is EU-CERTs Scope of Practice?
Scope of Practice= What we are allowed and trained to do. CERT's scope of practice includes size up, light search and rescue, basic firefighting, medical triage, evacuations, and running an EOC. It does NOT include running into buildings that are or may be unsafe, or anything that would put you or your patient in danger.