2x points for each!

Read the paragraph out loud. Why is the narrator tired? 

I usually like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning because it wakes me up. I forgot to drink it this morning, though, so I'm super tired.

The narrator forgot to drink coffee.


Re-write the sentence on the whiteboard with the correct words:

Rubi (goes, went, will goto the store last week.

Rubi went to the store last week.


Listen to the reading.

How many items did Eren and Karla get from the store?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

D) 4


Describe this image. Include at least 3 details in your description. Use full sentences in your response.

Student responds with full sentences. Sentences are accurate to the image.



The whole class must play a game of "Simon Says". For every student still in after 1 minute, you will get 200 points.

200 points for every student still in!


Read the paragraph out loud. What are Brandon and Martha studying for? Be specific, and respond with a full sentence.

Brandon and his sister, Martha, are going to study all night for tomorrow's test. Their teacher, Mr. Ratalsky, always gives the hardest math tests. They also have history homework and a science project to do, so they might not have enough time to study. 

They are studying for a math test.


Re-write the sentence on the whiteboard with the correct words:

Denise and Yolanda took (there, they're, theirbooks with them to class.

Denise and Yolanda took their books with them to class.


Listen to the reading.

How many friends does Tohru have? Why are they excited for Spring Break?

Tohru has 2 friends, Simon and Yoko. They are excited to go to Disney World and ride the rides.


Describe the animal in this picture. Include at least 3 details in your description. Use full sentences in your response.

Student responds with full sentences. Sentences are accurate to the image.



You must SHOUT your next response. If you successfully shout your response, you will receive 400 points even if you get the answer wrong

Points given after student completes challenge.


Read the paragraph out loud. What is the main idea (lesson) of this paragraph? Respond with a full sentence.

When I was younger, I used to skateboard. The hardest trick to learn was the most basic trick: the ollie. It took me months to learn this trick. I fell more times than I can count, and I wanted to give up. It felt like I'd never get it right! Then, one day, I tried it again and something clicked in my brain. It suddenly made sense how to do an ollie. After a few more times practicing, I finally got it right. All my hard work paid off!

Keep trying, even if you fail.


Re-write the sentence on the whiteboard with the correct words:

(Your, you'refriends, Tyler and Mary, went to the park over (there, their, they're) with (there, their, they're) things.

Your friends, Tyler and Mary, went to the park over there with their things. 


Listen to the reading. Respond to the questions with full sentences.

What was the article about? How old is the dog?

The article is about the world's oldest dog. Bobi is 30 years old.


Say this tongue twister out loud, clearly, and with good pronunciation.  You have 5 chances.

She sells seashells by the seashore. How many seashells did she sell?

Student completed the tongue twister.



Summarize the information in this graph. What does the graph show? 

This graph is about peoples' favorite cereal. The graph shows information about Corn Flakes, Cheerios, Life, and Kix. Cheerios was the least favorite with 2 votes, and Life  was the most favorite with 6 votes.


Read the paragraph out loud. What do you think the line "something clicked in my brain" means? How is it significant to the story? Respond with a full sentence.

When I was younger, I used to skateboard. The hardest trick to learn was the most basic trick: the ollie. It took me months to learn this trick. I fell more times than I can count, and I wanted to give up. It felt like I'd never get it right! Then, one day, I tried it again and something clicked in my brain. It suddenly made sense how to do an ollie. After a few more times practicing, I finally got it right. All my hard work paid off!

It is the moment everything made sense. The narrator figured out how to do the trick.


Find the mistakes in this sentence and re-write it correctly on the whiteboard:

Dawson and Marcus, play video games last weekend with there friends

Dawson and Marcus played video games last weekend with their friends.


Listen to the reading. Respond to the questions with full sentences.

1. What was the main idea of the article?

2. According to the article, is this behavior common or uncommon in animals?

Octopuses are throwing objects at each other. It is uncommon; throwing objects has only been seen in chimpanzees, elephants, and birds.


Say this tongue twister out loud, clearly, and with good pronunciation.  You have 3 chances.

If two witches were watching two watches, which witch could watch which watch?

Student completed the tongue twister.



You have 90 seconds to write a 3 sentence description/story about this picture. Your sentences must be grammatically correct!

Were you able to do it?


Read the paragraph out loud. How many students went to prom? Respond with a full sentence.

Jonathon and Yomara went to prom together, but Julia stayed home because she was sick. Lucas and Tomas went and enjoyed the free snacks. Emery wanted to go, but went to work instead. Mr. Ratalsky went and made sure students were behaving themselves. Sal drove Ken to prom, then drove home. Milena went for a while, but got bored and left.

Six students went to prom: Jonathon, Yomara, Lucas, Tomas, Ken, and Milena.


Find the mistakes in this sentence and re-write it correctly on the whiteboard:

There gonna go on a trip, to california, this month and they're friends is going too it sound like a lot of fun

They're going to go on vacation to California this monthand their friends are going too. It soundlike a lot of fun! .


Listen to the reading. Respond to the questions with full sentences.

1. How big was the goldfish?

2. According to the the scientist in the article,how did the goldfish get into the lake? 

3. Why did it get so big? 

1. The goldfish was 9 pounds, and 15 inches long.

2. The goldfish was most likely dropped into the lake by a person. 

3. It grew that large because of its big home and abundance of food. Goldfish grow to the size of their environment.


Read the following paragraph out loud. Many words in the paragraph are made up, but they correctly follow English grammar rules. Identify if the bolded words are nouns, adjectives, or verbs.

Gils was very fraper. She had denarped Johnny's mardan.  He didn't garben this, and so he jibbled in the bripperbop.

Fraper - Adjective

Denarped - Verb

Mardan - Noun

Garben - Verb

Jibbled - Verb

Bripperbop - Noun


This is the HARDEST TONGUE TWISTER IN ENGLISH. For every person who can say this phrase correctly and without pausing even once, you will get 1000 points.

The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.

Were you able to do it?
