When was Elton John born?
He was born on March 25, 1947
Is he still currently alive or has he passed away?
Elton John is still alive to this day.
In what movie was the song "I'm Still Standing"?
Sing 2
What song was almost not released in the UK by Elton John
Tiny Dancer
What elements of music does Elton John use?
Rythm, Harmony, Melody and Beat.
what country was Elton John born in?
The United Kingdom
What was Elton Johns famous hit with Dua Lipa called?
This question can help be the answer for a future qestion.
Cold heart
What genres are Eltn John's Music?
Rock, Pop and classical music
Was Elton John single or did he have Band members?
He had Band members.
Which Elton John song starts with the lyrics, " You could never know what it's like, your blood like winter freezes just like ice?"
"Im still standin"
Around how many top 40 hits does Elton John have?
How many shows did Elton John do in the U.S?
108 shows
When he turned 14 what school did Elton John get into?
The royal academy of mucic
What middle name does Elton John have?
How many people has Elton John Married?
3 people
Which famous artist did Elton John make a famous song hit with?
Dua lipa
What year was Elton John at his peak?
1972 to 1975
Before going solo what was the name of Elton John's band?
How old is Elton John
77 years old
(anything close works)
If Elton John started making music in 1969 and is still making music in 2025.
How many years has Elton John been making music?
56 years
How many members does Elton John have in his band?
7 members
What is ELton John's estimated net worth?
600 million.
(Anything close to that works)
What was Elton John's Uk number 1 single?
Candle with the wind
What is the Rolling stone?
it is an American monthly magazine that talks about music, politics and pop culture.
What is Elton John most successful song?
His most successful song is Candle in the Wind.