Answering the Phone
Making a Phone Call
Safety Scenarios

When answering the phone, is it appropriate to say "Yeah, what do you want"?



True or False

When making a call to schedule a doctor appointment, you should just tell your mom to call because you shouldn't be bothered.


You are responsible enough to make the call yourself, especially with some practice.


You saw a post for a job opening online, and you want to apply. It says to email Ms. Jackson. What important information do you need in order to do this.

You need Ms. Jackson's email address


True or False

The body of a formal email should be polite, to the point, and grammatically correct.



Someone called for my mother but she is not home. So I told them that I was home alone and gave them my address when they asked for it.

You should never tell strangers that you are home alone. And you definitely should not give strangers your address.


What do you say when answering the phone at home?



You want to call to order a pizza, but you don't know the phone number. What can you do?

Look the number up online


Yes or No:

You are sending an email to your teacher to let her know that you are going to be an hour late today because you have a dentist appointment. Is it okay to write:

"YO. Late today doc appt peace out bruh"

No. This is too informal to write to a teacher


Which of these phrases are appropriate for an INFORMAL email to a buddy:

Hey dude!

What's up, man?

See ya later!

All of them


A telemarketer called and needed my social security number. So I gave it to them.

Never give your social security number over the phone.


What should you say when answering the phone in the workplace?

Say Hello

Identify the business name

State who you are

Example: "Hello. Dunkin Donuts. This is James speaking."


You attempt to call the dentist, but you accidentally dialed the wrong number. You should...

Apologize for the mistake and politely say good bye. Then check the number before dialing again.


True or False

When sending a FORMAL email you should always tell them about your weekend in great detail. Also tell about the time you got lost in the corn maze when you were five.


Important details only. Get to the point. 


Which information is better sent in a phone call instead of an email or text?

Responding to the boss's email about the schedule

Explaining to your mom how you put a huge dent your her car that you borrowed

Explaining to your mom how you dented your her car is personal and should be done by phone if possible.


I got an email from an insurance company that I am not familiar with. They needed my mom's credit card number because we owe them money. So I went to her purse and emailed the credit card information to the company.

There are too many fake email's out there, trying to get your personal information. Delete those emails immediately. They are scams. NEVER take anyone's credit card number and share it!


True or False

When at a job, you should always let the phone ring at least 9 times before answering.

False. You should answer by the third ring. If you wait too long, they may hang up.


You called the bowling alley to see how late they are open. The man on the other end keeps asking you to repeat yourself. 

What could be the problem? 

What should you do?

You may not be talking loud enough or you might not be talking directly into the phone- they can't hear/understand you.

You should make sure you're speaking into the phone, your words are clear, and your voice is loud enough.


What opening word(s) can you use when starting a formal email?


Good Afternoon/Good Morning

Dear ________,



That you are yelling. Someone may be offended by this.


I received an email from a woman I don't know. She claimed that she was friends with my dad and that she needs money. She said my dad told her to email me and that it was okay.

Talk to my dad immediately. This is most likely a scam. 


The person calling asked for the supervisor, but he is not in the office today. What do you say/do?

Explain that the supervisor is not in at the moment.

Offer to take a message 

Write the message down accurately


You called the doctor and needed to leave a message because they were at lunch. What is wrong:

"Hi. This is Jason. I need to make a doctor appointment for next week. Please call me back. Thanks."

Jason didn't leave his last name

Jason didn't leave his phone number


What words can you use when ending your email? (the salutation) 


Have a nice day.

Thank you for your time

Best regards


This is an email I sent to my mother, but what does it look like it should have been:

yo thx for the chx salad sry for L8 rspns. was DELISH ttyl 

This is texting to some close to you. It's very informal with abbreviations and informal grammar. You should never send an email like this.


I got an email that I won a contest (I don't remember joining a contest). It said to click the link to receive my prize and give them my personal information and credit card number to prove that it's really me.

DO NOT click the link. It could infect the computer. And Do Not send personal information to strangers or anyone in an email. 
