Monday Lessons
Tuesday Lessons
Wednesday Lessons
Thursday Lessons

Draw a DBT Pros and Cons list

Must include:
                Pros of      |      Cons of
Pros of ___________ |____________
Cons of ___________|____________


What is an example of a red light in a relationship? What is an example of a green light in a relationship?

Red: Indicate a reason to cease or back away from a relationship 

Green: Good, quality aspects of a relationship. Signs that this could be, or is a stable, secure, long-term relationship. 


What is a word or phrase that can be used to uplift/encourage someone during a hard time?

Positive Affirmations


What is an example of a positive affirmation you can give to someone who worries about reaching out to others for help?

"Help is within your reach"
"You are never doing this alone"

etc. etc.

Fun Fact! What is Krissy's favorite Disney character?



What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


What is a question you could ask yourself when engaging in a new relationship?

  1. Am I nervous around this person? 

  1. Do I often feel like I am walking on eggshells? 

  1. Do I feel like I am emotionally drained after spending time with this friend? 

  1. Do they make me feel bad about myself? 

  1. Am I negatively influenced by this person? 

  1. Is this friend genuinely loyal to me? 

  1. Does this person respect my boundaries? 

  1. Do we have clear and open communication? 


What is Dan Siegel's hand-brain model?

A model used to describe the brain when it is in emotion mind and wise mind. A closed fist represents integration of the prefrontal cortex to the brain stem, the thumb represents the amygdala and an open palm represents when someone's "lid is flipped".


What is triangulation in a family system?

When two people within the family system often get into arguments and one person (at the tip of the triangle) is placed as the mediator between the two.


What is TIPP?

Temperature, Intensive Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Who is our Case Manager?



Fun Fact! What is Paul famous for?

World Record for most Funko Pops!


What are at least three examples of ways to get better sleep at night?

1. Stick to a schedule and do not sleep late on weekends.  
2. Establish a bedtime routine.  
3. Avoid caffeine. 

etc. etc.


What is the purpose of engaging in a community building activity?

Foster connection, get to know others in the group, practice distress tolerance, etc.


What is an example of a barrier to mindfulness?

1) Aversion
2) Restlessness
3) Sleepiness
4) Desire
5) Doubt


Name at least three group guidelines

[See group guidelines]


Fun Fact! Which staff members wear glasses? (100% of the time)

Jana, Abi, Paul, Emily


What is the purpose of a cost-benefit analysis?

To weigh out options between the costs and the benefits of engaging in a particular behavior.


Fun Fact! How many group members own amphibians?

Two! (Camille and Patrick)


What does CBT stand for?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


SCENARIO: You come into group and bring in a drink without a lid? What happens next?



SCENARIO: A friend of yours is making you feel uncomfortable and breaking your boundaries. How would you address this situation mindfully?

1) Address boundaries with friend

2) Use GIVE/FAST skill

3) Recognize the relationship may need to take a pause


SCENARIO: You get into an argument with your parents and immediately, you begin to feel yourself getting hot, your heart rate increasing, and you start to sweat. What state of arousal is your body going into?



SCENARIO: You get dysregulated in group, but do not need to step out of the room. Where can you go to re-regulate?

The dysregulation station! For 5 mins max!


SCENARIO: You get out of PHP today and your parents immediately start pestering you about all the chores you have to do when you get home. You respond by yelling back and therefore, the car ride home is nothing but fighting.

Using the cognitive model, how can you reframe your thought to help in getting a better outcome?

1) They are probably just reminding me what to do, they want to make sure that I am contributing towards the house and feel included

2) By responding without yelling, the conversation could end sooner and not end in fighting.
