Process & Tools

Who is the deal influencer?

The alumni coordinator

We don't have an alumni program.

That's ok! Something about value/pain killers.


Name the top 3 most common programs we help

Substance, mental health, and eating disorders.


What does hubspot require before you can mark deal to demo set?

A note about how the call went so the AE can reference it before the demo.


Is Embrk a mobile app?

What is No- but we can help improve engagement rates on your current app.


Name 2 pain points that the deal influencer has WITHOUT embrk?

What is, manual process, takes a lot of time with no connection, low engagement on their app, don't open emails.


We use constant contact already for texting.

Oh perfect, you will love Embrk then! We set up those texts to go out automatically, and have a dashboard to houses all the convos!


Do we work with adolescent treatment centers?

What is YES. They are a great fit.


What is an oppurtunity?

An opportunity means the AE has had at least two meetings, or has talked pricing and the deal has traction.


Is Embrk an EMR?

What is no, we INTEGRATE into your EMR.


Who else can help influence the deal?

What is admissions, operations, BD, program director, or clinical director.


I am pretty busy, can you just send me an email?

Yes I'd love to send you an email, and does Thursday work for a quick zoom so I can show you in real time- its way easier than reading an email I promise.

Can we help mental health only treatment centers?

What is, YES. Their workflow would be specialized for mental health patients.


How many days does the SDR have to reset a no show?

What is 7 days.


What exactly are you automating?

That's a great question. What EMR are you using? Kipu. AWESOME. So essentially what we do is integrate into Kipu and when you mark a client as a successfull discharge our system will then subscribe them to a 12-month workflow that sends out text check ins and text surveys and you are on the receiving end chatting back and forth. We don't want to take out the connection piece, we just want to free up your time so you can spend time connecting.


What are three indicators that the treatment center is a good fit.

What is CARF/JCO accredited, have an alumni program, multiple locations/brands, offers multiple LOC's, runs ads for common rehab terms.


Our EMR does this already.

EMRs can set up text reminders, but we actually integrate into your system and automate your workflow, no EMR does what we do.


Do we work with sober livings?

What is YES. 


What are the top three ways to get a prospect to show for a demo?

What is don't set them more than a week out, call or text them 10 minutes before the meeting, have them accept the google calendar invite, and MAKE A GREAT SET.


Are you guys HIPAA compliant?

What is YES, we follow all the standard encryption requirements of HIPPA and we are working on our SOC-2 audit this year.


Do we set non profit organizations?

It's complicated. If it's through the state/county or a tribal organization-likely they are not a good fit. 


We use Team Recovery/ Cared For.

We love working with apps and can help boost engagement. We also integrate into your EMR and send texts/surveys, I'd love to show you and see what you think! No pressure to make any changes.

List the LOC's in order of continuation.

What is Detox, Residential (PHP), IOP, Outpatient, Sober Living.


What is the most important KPI/goal to hit everyday?

3 sets a day!


Where do all the texts come from?

During onboarding we will go through the A2P verification process and we will set up a customize number with a local area code for each of your locations.
