Who is the founder of EMDR?
Dr. Francine Shapiro
What does BLS stand for?
Bilateral Stimulation
What does SUDS stand for
Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale
This phases involves Reevaluation?
Phase 8
Hebb’s Axiom?
Neurons that fire together, wire together
Father of Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy?
Pierre Janet
ACE meaning?
Adverse Childhood Experience
What is VOC stand for?
Validity of Cognition
Which phase involves History Taking (AIP Informed Biopsychosocial)
Phase 1
Keep it tight..?
Keep it right
The founder of EMDR Consulting?
Roy Keissling
This mechanism focus on the modulation between brain wave frequencies, i.e., high wave frequencies-REM, and slow-wave frequencies - Hippocampal integration
REM: RAPID EYE MOVEMENT 2002 • Stickgold, R.
What does DAS stand for?
Dual Attention Stimulation
This phase involves Desensitization?
Phase 4
The more hysterical the...
more historical
Our innate, organic drive toward physical and emotional health.
This action mechanism focuses on (DAS: Dual Attention Stimulation)
EMDR has how many stages?
This phase involves Preparation (Grounding/Affect Management)
Phase 2
We hold our...
Issues in our tissues
The year of Francine's original research study?
This action mechanism focuses on the alternating orientation between the incident, stimulation, and awareness, i.e.,
Orienting Response
Three-Prong Process consists of what three areas?
For full EMDR treatment effects, (1) past incidents, (2) present triggers, and (3) future templates need to be fully processed.
This phase involves doing a Body Scan?
Phase 6
EMDR loves a R.A.T.?
Realistic, Adaptive, & True