What is the definition of communication?
The transfer of information between organisms.
Definition of Territory
Any area that animals use for feeding, mating, or raising their young.
Whats a example of sound that we have talked about?
Dolphins will use a series of clicks, whistles, and grunt to communicate.
Animals communicate with body language just like ______
Primates have a strict social _____
Definition of Bioluminescence
The ability of living organisms to give off light
Definition of Society
A group of animals of the same species living and working together in an organized way.
Some Angler Fish use what to lure prey inside of their mouth?
Moths release what in the air that attracts mates.
What animals are most well known for making noticeable sounds?
How do animals communicate with each other?
- Light
- Body Language
- Chemicals
Define Aggression
Any type of forceful behavior that is used to dominate or control another animal
Definition of Courtship
Specialized behavior that is meant to help animal find / attract a mate.
What is an example of body language that we talked about
Wolves and dogs are two example who frequently communicate with their body language.
Why do animals communicate with each other?
-Locating other members of their group
- Finding Mates
- Warning others of danger
- Protection
Definition of Pheromone
A chemical released by an animal to influence the behavior of other animals of the same species.
Territories are marked by:
Pheromones, Urine, Feces
What is dominance?
Dominance is higher social status relative to other animals in the society
What is submissive?
Animals with higher social status have power over those below it
Which group of animals communicate with sound?
- Amphibious, Reptiles, Bird, Insects, Mammals
What is the different's between Dominance and Submission?
The different's is the higher social status relative to other animals in a society and a submission is animals that have power with he one below the status.
Social Status can be determined in several different ways like:
Gender, Size, Age, Reproductive Success
Societies and Behaviors are very structured like what?
Answer: a pride of lions.
What does Crickets and Cicadas use when they make noises.
To attract mates