Fire Emergencies
Staff Response
Signs and Symptoms
Random tid bits

If there is a real fire, what reports need to be filled out

Fire drill report, and an incident report for each individual served present


When using a fire extinguisher what acronym should you follow- and what does each letter stand for

PASS: P- pull (the pin), A- Aim (at the base of the fire), S- Squeeze, S- Sweep


What should staff do if there is a tornado warning and/or the sirens are going off

Get all individuals into the designated storm area of the site, staff will gather storm drill radio/first aid kit/flashlight/meds (if med time), remain there until warning has been lifted, fill out storm drill report after


What are the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion 

  • Heavy sweating.
  • Cold, pale, and clammy skin.
  • Fast, weak pulse.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Tiredness or weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache

What does Natural Gas smell like

Rotten eggs


If there is a tornado warning, what reports need to be filled out

tornado and storm drill report


Any time the fire alarms go off (even if cooking) what needs to be done

Evacuate building and fill out fire drill report 


In cases of bomb threat, natural gas, carbon monoxide, fire- what are your first steps

Evacuate building, call 911 from cell phone/neighbors phone (do not use house phone)


What are the signs and symptoms of natural gas and/or carbon monoxide poisoning 

headaches, tiredness, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, confusion, chest pain, vomiting, weakness 


If it is severe weather/cold/raining/etc and the house MUST be evacuated, what should staff do

Load individuals into van, van MUST be pulled out of garage, and only if the staff is a driver for the company. 


If an EUMR is used what reports need to be completed, who needs to be notified, and within what time frame does this need to be completed?

incident and emergency report, emergency use of manual restraint incident report, BIRF report

Legal Representative, case manager, designated emergency contact within 24 hours

DHS and Ombudsman via the BIRF report submission within 5 working days


How frequently are storm drills ran, fire drills ran, and within how many days does a new employee need to participate in a fire drill 

quarterly, monthly, 90 days 


If there is a wind chill and or severe weather warning, what should you do

1. Ensure individuals are wearing weather appropriate clothing.

2. Cancel outings if not essential. 

3. Provide rides to individuals bus stops per SPA if needed. 


What are the signs and symptoms of hypothermia

confusion, umbles (stumbles, mumbles, fumbles, grumbles), shivering, memory lapse, cold abdomen/back


Give at least 6 examples of what is defined as an incident

2/3 burns, 2/3 frostbite, death, fractures, dislocations, internal injuries, head injury with loss of consciousness, lacerations of tendons/organs, irreversible mobility, avulsion of teeth, injuries to eyeball, ingestion of foreign substances/objects, near drowning, heat exhaustion, attempted suicide, any medical emergency, any mental health crisis, 911 called, conduct between persons unwanted causing issue


If there is noted maltreatment, who do you report to, who do you notify, within what time frame, and what reports need to be filled out

VA- internal or MARCC, MOM- county or police/911, legal representative and case manager of individual served, within 24 hours, Incident and Emergency Report


If there is a real fire, who all needs to be notified

911, PC/PM/PD/On-Call depending on day/time, Legal Representative and Case Manager for each individual served present


What is the first steps you take if there is a threatening and/or unwanted phone call

Hang up the phone and lock the doors and windows 


what are the signs and symptoms of extensive second and/or third degree burns

  • second-degree burns: blisters and some thickening of the skin. 
  • third-degree burns: widespread thickness with a white, leathery appearance.

What hotels will be utilized as needed in the event of relocation

Super 8 (there are 2)

American Motel

Country Inn and Suites 


If there is a death of person served, what reports all need to be completed

incident report, serious injury/death report Ombudsman, death report DHS, discharge summary


About how many feet back from the flame should you be when using a fire extinguisher

8-10 feet


If there is a missing person, what is staff's response

1. determine if person is considered missing based upon their supervision level as listed in their SPA.

2. Check entire grounds to see if they are present

3. Call police if they are missing and don't have unsupervised time/and or are past their supervised time.

4. Call PC/PM/PD or on-call. 

5. Attempt to search for individual, maintaining supervision of other individuals. 

6. Notify case manager, legal representative, emergency contact and complete incident report.


what are the signs and symptoms of internal injuries

nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, confusion, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, presence of blood in the urine


Who determines if the house phone number should be changed due to unwanted/threatening phone calls

Program Services Director (Sam)
