Disasters & Evacuation Events
Biological & Chemical Incidents
Workplace Violence
Hazard Communication

Natural disasters that are likely to occur in Idaho.

Name at least 3

What are wildfires, flooding, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and man-made engineering disasters (like the Teton Dam Collapse)?


Defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as "an event that has led to significant consequences to people, the environment, or the facility." Examples include lethal effects to individuals, radioactive isotope to the environment, or reactor core melt.

What is a nuclear or radiation accident?


Any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site.

What is workplace violence?


This program is to ensure all chemicals would be evaluated and information about the hazards would be communicated to employees.

What is the Hazardous Communication Program?


A written document required by particular OSHA standards. The purpose of this is to facilitate and organize employer and employee actions during workplace emergencies.

What is an emergency action plan?

You can make an at-home emergency action plan.



A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.

A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.

A severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.

What is an earthquake?

What is a tornado?

What is a blizzard?


A rare but serious illness caused by a spore-forming bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. Usually enters the body through a wound in the skin. You can also become infected by eating contaminated meat or inhaling the spores.

What is anthrax?


Someone "actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area."

What is an active shooter?

No matter who initiates the confrontation, the deadliest situations involve an active shooter.


The location of the Hazard Communication Program.

What is: 

For TRAD- in Judy's office and on the intranet?

For TRMD- in the compliance binder in the conference room?

For TVI- in Zach's compliance binder?


Two acronyms to remember during a fire emergency.

What is:

RACE: Rescue those in immediate danger, Activate the alarm, Confine the fire, & Evacuate the building/Extinguish the fire if possible.

PASS: Point, Aim, Squeeze, & Sweep?


Employee responsibilities to limit the risk of fires.

Name at least 3.

What is:
-Do not block doors
-Keep work areas clean
-Inspect your work area
-Never daisy-chain cords (i.e., plugging a surge protector into a surge protector)
-Turn off non-essential equipment?


The uncontrolled release of a hazardous chemical, either as a solid, liquid, or gas. 


Any accidental release of synthetic chemicals that pose a risk to the environment.

What is a chemical spill?



The percentage of healthcare workers who suffer physical violence at some point in their careers.

What is between 8% and 38%?

The healthcare sector is among one of the most targeted industries for workplace violence.


Provided to protect against hazards.

What is PPE?


To protect employees from serious injury, property loss, or loss of life, in the event of an actual or potential major disaster.

What is the purpose of an emergency action plan?


You do this when you receive a call about a bomb threat.

Name at least 3.

What is:
-Get as much information as possible
-Observe voice, characteristics, background noise, etc.
-Report it to 911
-Only inform essential personnel unless directed to do otherwise by an official (supervisor)
-Supervisor will determine if Employee Search Plan will be implemented
-If evacuation takes place, DO NOT re-enter the building until it has been declared safe by the the authority having jurisdiction?



In case of a/an _________:

-Do not move, touch, or attempt to clean up.
-Call supervisor, who will notify authorities.
-Stop all operations in the contaminated area.
-Evacuate orderly, do not panic
-At no time is a person permitted to leave the assembly area until they have been cleared to do so by emergency services personnel.

What is an anthrax exposure?


-Excessive use of alcohol or drugs
-Unexplained absenteeism
-Change in behavior or decline in job performance
-Depression, withdrawal or suicidal comments
-Resistance to changes at work or persistent complaining about unfair treatment
-Violation of company policies
-Emotional responses to criticism, mood swings

What is warning signs or behaviors in coworkers [or patients] that might signal future violence.

There is no way to predict an attack, but it is important to be alert of the warning signs.


You should do this before using hazardous chemicals.

What is read all labels, including warning labels?


A lot can happen in the chaotic minutes before police arrive; DHS advises staying calm and exercising one of three options: Run, hide, or fight.

-If there is an accessible escape route, leave your belongings and get out
-If evacuation is not possible, find a hiding place where you won't be trapped should the shooter find you, lock and blockade the door, and silence your phone
-As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to incapacitate the shooter by throwing items, improvising weapons, and yelling

What is how to react to an active shooter?


Teton Radiology: Outside in front of Judy's office

Teton Radiology Madison: Outside in the front parking lot 

Teton Vascular Institute: Outside in the parking lot

What is where to meet after a facility evacuation (assembly areas)?


Procedure to take care of a hazardous chemical spill.

What is put on appropriate PPE, contain the spill with absorbent spill material, completely clean the area where the spill occurred, and place the absorbed spill material in secondary containment, such as the spill bucket?


1. Criminal intent

2. Customer/client

3. Worker-on-worker

4. Personal relationship (which overwhelmingly targets women)

What is the four categories workplace violence falls into?

This is according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health


Provide detailed health and safety information and precautions for handling hazardous substances, including:
-Product identity
-Hazardous ingredients
-Emergency and first aid procedures
-Physical/chemical properties
-Health hazards
-Handling and storage

What is the function of the Safety Data Sheets?



Employee responsibilities for disasters.

What is:
-Any person receiving notification of a possible disaster should immediately notify the supervisor (if fire, pull the fire alarm first)
-Employees should know at least two evacuation routes
-If asked to evacuate, assist patients and immediately go to assembly area to be accounted for?
