Activate the closest pull station.
Code White
What is a center distrurbance?
Code Green
Code Yellow
What is Person Missing?
We submit incident reports in.
What is Origami?
No use of elevators
Lock Down
What is lock down all child watch rooms and areas?
Appropriate Action
What is determine if it is safe to exit- always exit if able?
Missing Person Information Sheet
What is the sheet that is completed and distributed to help find the person?
1st floor crash bags
What is at the pool and behind the greeters desk?
If it is safe to do so.
What is isolate the fire by closing the door to the room?
Monitor situation closely
What is for possible escalation?
What is find a place to hide?
Assign staff to
What is lock down all areas of the center and coduct a search?
3rd floor AED
What is Entrance to Basketball courts?
Activate the EAP
What is Call 911 and notify the most senior staff on duty?
If escalation occors,
What is proceed to code Green?
Call 911
What is when safe (if you exit) or only if safe to do so (if you hide)?
Within 3-5 minutes,
What is Return to lobby with search results?
4th floor AED
What is wellness office hallway next to the copier?
Be familiar with
What is the location of fire extinguishers?
Contact Executive Director
What is activate Crisis Communication Plan?
Last Resort
What is defend yourself?
If person not found,
What is call 911, contact Exective Director and activate Crisis Communication Plan?
What is wildlife on property?