Emergency Nursing
Triage System
Environmental Emergencies

Interventions to prevent injury to staff in the ER.

What are use Standard Precautions at ALL times; anticipate hostile, violent patients, family, and/or visitor behavior; plan and practice options if violence occurs, including assistance from the security department?

Best Practice Box pg 120 9th ed

10th ed pg 192

Action Alert 121 9th

10th pg 193


These are considered emergent (life-threatening) tier level.

What are respiratory distress, chest pain with diaphoresis, stroke, active hemorrhage, and unstable vital signs? 

Table 8-2 9th pg 124

Table 10-2 20th pg 196


Treatment for altitude sickness includes these things.

What are slow ascent from height, ensure adequate hydration and nutrition, acetazolamide for acute mountain sickness, and provide oxygen? 

Best Practice Box 

9th pg 146

10th pg 220

This is the most common type of biologic weapon. 

What is anthrax?


These are some of the most common patient safety issues in the ER.

What are patient identification, fall risk, skin breakdown in vulnerable populations, and high risk for medical errors and adverse events? 

9th pg 121

10th pg 193


This triage tier level can wait several hours if needed without fear of detioration.

What is the nonurgent tier level?

Table 8-2 9th pg 124

Table 10-2 20th pg 196


These are expected findings of hypothermia.

What are shivering, slurred speech (dysarthria), impaired cognition, and diuresis? 

Key Features Box

9th pg 143

10th ed pg 216

This is a nurse's role when encountering suspicious, possibly biologic terrorism.

What is do not open the package, notify a supervisor?


True or false: When an unconscious patient comes in to the ER, medical personnel need permission before starting treatment.

What is false?

Trauma patients may even have to be rushed back to surgery and will not be able to consent. 


Black tag for triage under mass casualty.

What is expectant or class IV, those patients that allowed or expected to die?

Table 10-1 9th pg 152

Table 12-1 10th pg 228


These are priority interventions for patients with a heat stroke.

What are ensure a patent airway, remove the patient from the hot environment, remove the patient's clothing, pour or spray cold water on the body and scalp?

Best Practice Box

9th ed pg 135

10th ed pg 208

These are the antibiotics that treat anthrax.

What are cipro, levofloxacin, and doxycycline?


This is a required training course to work in the ER.

What is Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)? 

Sometimes Pediatric Advanced Life Support as well. 

9th pg 123

10th pg 196


These patients require a red tag in the mass casualty triage system.

What are airway obstruction, shock, severe burns, major internal hemorrhage, cardiac injuries?

9th pg 152

10th pg 228


True or false: A patient with frost bite should receive dry heat or massage to the area as part of the warming process.

What is false? 

Critical Rescue Box 

pg 144 9th ed 

pg 218 10th ed


The plague is spread this way.

What is by infected fleas, probably on rats?

9th ed pg 429


These things should be considered when providing discharge instructions in any setting, but particularly in the ER.

What are reading level, primary language, and visual acuity?

To prevent return to the ER, education for the discharged patient is essential. 

Box 9th pg 126

10th pg 198


This tag is considered the "walking wounded".

What is the green tag under mass casualty?

Table 10-1 9th pg 152

Table 12-1 10th pg 228


Heat related prevention for the elderly focuses on these things.

What are hydration, prevent overexposure to the sun, rest frequently, stay indoors if possible? 

Chart 9-1 9th pg 134

10th ed pg 207


Botulism is spread this way.

What is infected food?

9th pg 429
