Signs & Symptoms

Why is it important to use barrier devices when doing CPR?

To protect you and the victim

True or False: if a drowning victim is unresponsive and non-breathing, you give 2 rescue breaths and start chest compressions.



What is the first thing you do when approaching an unconscious victim?

Assess the environment for hazards.


Somebody suffering from shock may look:

a) Excited, flushed with a strong regular pulse

b) Scared, weak and hungry

c) Confused, pale and restless

d) None of the above

c). Most shock victims will look confused, pale and act restlessly.


What are the "3 Ps" of First Aid?

Preserve life, prevent further injury and promote recovery. 


As a lifesaver, when are you allowed to start treatment on a victim? (Hint: There's more than 1 answer.)

You have obtained permission through the consent of the victim, the victim's parent, or the victim's level of consciousness.


What is the ratio of compressions to breaths for one-rescuer adult CPR?



Which of the following would you use gloves for?

a) Vomit

b) Nosebleed

c) Angina

d) All of the above

d). You would use gloves for all these incidents in order to protect yourself as the rescuer as well as the victim. 


True or False: Coughing is a sign of airway obstruction.

True. Coughing is a sign of mild airway obstruction. 


As a lifesaver, when are you allowed to stop treatment on a victim? 

When medical help takes over.


When you send a bystander to call EMS, the information they provide should include what.

Where the incident is taking place. Who the victim(s) is. The current victim(s) condition. 


If a drowning victim's airway is blocked due to vomit, what should you do?

Place the victim in recovery position and clear the airway. Resume CPR once finished.


If a wound continues to bleed through a bandage, what should you do?

Apply a new dressing bandage on top of the old one. 


True or False: A stroke is similar to a heart attack, except that it involves the blood vessels which supply to the brain. 

True. A stroke affects not only the blood supply to the brain but the muscular functions throughout the entirety of the body.


True or False: You don't need to call EMS if there's an AED on site with a trained personnel.

False. EMS are entirely more equipped and knowledgeable, with resources that will ensure more preservation of life than an AED.


Do you check the victim's pulse in your primary assessment?



Which of the following are acceptable methods of doing rescue breathing?

a) Mouth to mouth

b) Mouth to nose

c) Mouth to stoma

d) All of the above

d). All of the above are acceptable methods of doing rescue breathing. 


Amy's grandfather is having weakness in his right arm and right leg. He is both anxious and very disoriented. What should she do? 

Amy should assist him into a comfortable position and call EMS.


What are some signs that someone is having a heart attack?

Pain in the arms, neck, jaw, as well as chest or shoulder. Shock, anxiety, confusion, sweating, denial of symptoms.

What does AED stand for?

Automated External Defibrillator


What is the most important question when going through SAMPLE questions.

They are all important questions.


You are alone with an unresponsive 3-year-old. When should you activate EMS?

After 2 minutes of CPR.


You come into the meeting room and find Mackenzie unconscious on the floor. With your assessment of the area, you find her lunch half eaten also on the floor. What are your next steps in this rescue process?

1. Check to see if she's breathing. If not, call EMS.

2. Put on barrier devices including gloves and mask.

3. Begin with 30 compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths. If the first breath doesn't go in, readjust before giving the second breath. If that doesn't go in, go back to compressions. If there's an AED present, administer pads and turn machine on.

4. If you see the object, scoop it out and resume CPR.

5. If she throws up, put her in recovery position and clear out all vomit once she is done. If there's no object visible, resume CPR. Continue until medical personnel takes over.


People who are having a stroke may say that they often smell..

Burnt toast.


What does CPR stand for?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
