Emergency Management
Emergency Program
Emergency Continued
Burning down the house
Present or imminent event of a short duration that affects or threatens the health, safety or welfare of people, property and/or infrastructure and/or the mission / service of the facility you are paid to protect
What is the defination of an Emergency
Identifying and analyzing potential safety issues Formulate strategies to reduce or eliminate hazards Prepare for a community response in the event of an emergency
What is the responsibilty of the Emergency Manager
What is are the four element of an Emergency Management Program
Responsible for Media Relations and the coordinating / controlling of same Assists, where required, with the communication portion for the Family Support Area and the co-ordination of notification to families
Who is the Communications Officer
a visible, tangible chemical reaction as a result of oxygen in the atmosphere and some sort of fuel that is heated to its ignition temperature
What is the defination of fire
To provide an organization with procedures and responsibilities required to address an emergency situation in an efficient and timely manner so that the negative impact on individuals and the facility are eliminated or minimized
What is the purpose of an Emergency Plan
The diseases attack on London at the start of the 17th century killed an estimated 38,000 people (in a population of 200,000)
What is the black death
Facilitates response activities…….Standardize the approach, both internally and externally, in dealing with emergency management Facilitates Communication ……Talk the same language . . . multi-agency approach Allows for incidents to be managed in a cohesive manner – Brings order to chaos Develop partnerships – must have letters of agreement Provides a standardized organizational structure for responding to an emergency
What the goals of the IM program
The physical location where an organization comes together during an emergency to coordinate response / information and ensure resources occur Where coordination and management decisions are facilitated Comprised of the preceding positions and any other staff the Incident Manager designates to participate as a member of the Team
What is the EOC
Enough oxygen to sustain combustion Enough heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature Some sort of fuel or combustible material The chemical reaction that is fire.
What is a fire triangle
Used across Canada to coordinate emergency preparedness and incident management amongst various municipal, regional, provincial or federal agencies Allows response to emergency situations like natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or other community emergency situations
What is the IMS
Bann on Public gatherings (Social Distancing) London’s theatres were closed for several years
What were safety measures implemented during the Black Death crisis
Provides for a unified command when communication partners are required Team approach will have a ‘lead agency’ and provides for a common mission in a ‘multi-jurisdiction’ environment There needs to be clear policies and letters of agreement on agency responsibilities and limitations
What is a Unified Command
Frequency x Severity = Risk Hazard
What is formula used to find the risk to the organization use the following formula
(Combustible solids). These are fires involving solid material of an organic nature, namely carbon compounds such as wood, paper, cloth, etc. They are the most common class of fire
What is a Class A Fire
Manages / directs the tactical operations of the incident Ensures the execution of the plan Delivery of Core Business and Patient Care Functions Health and Safety – Ensure incident is being responded to in a safe and secure manner Directs specific activities to achieve objectives required by the Incident Manager / Emergency Operations Center Security – Emergency Responders, Access Control, Traffic Control, Investigation
Who is the Operations Officer
Provides a standardized organizational structure for responding to all emergency situations, with associated responsibilities, processes and procedures for each identified position
What is the IMS
Incident Manager – the ‘Delegator’ Operations Section – the ‘Doers’ Planning Section – the ‘Office’ Logistics Section – the ‘Go-Getters’ Finance / Administrative Section – the Bank / Personnel Liaison Staff to communicate with external law enforcement / medical agencies ie: police / fire / EMS Communications Officer – dissemination of information / media relations Health & Safety Officer – ensures safety of incident Security Officer – ensures risk management / security of incident and facility
What are some of the Incident Management Positions
A systematic process of identifying potential hazards that could affect the need for the organization’s services Taking the hazards and evaluating them with the probability of them occurring – and the frequency and severity Look at the emergency that comes from the hazard Identify and understand the types and causes of risk Plan your emergency management program based on the outcome of your HIRA – focusing on the high priority items Develop appropriate strategies and measures to manage the emergency and minimize the risk
What is a HIRA
(Combustible Metals). Fires involving metals such as magnesium, aluminium, sodium or potassium.
What is a Class D Fire
In charge and responsible for the emergency situation Determines which response action / sections need to be established
Who is the Incident Manager
Current emergency plan – reviewed and revised annually Training programs and exercises Annual testing of plans – documented / plan reviewed and revised Staff training program
What is an Emergency Management Program
Responsible for coordinating and arranging for all resources / supplies / equipment required to respond to the incident, supporting the Operations and Communications Officers
What does the logistics office do
Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow, Amber, Pink, ......
Standardized Hospital Emergency Code colors
Precautionary / Crisis
What are two types of Evacuation within a hospital setting.