The mnemonic device ABCD help guide triage. What does the "D" stand for?
Name the suspected respiratory disease:
Noisy breathing, distress with inspiration, acute onset of gaging with severe respiratory distress, adaptations of dyspnea, hyperthermia
Respiratory foreign body
What does the acronym: DUMBELS stand for?
Diarrhea, Urination, Miosis, Bradycardia, Emesis, Lacrimation, Salivation
a crystalloid
The drug of choice for treating eclampsia is:
Calcium gluconate
An emergent patient should receive care or be reevaluated within how much time?
5-15 minutes
Name the respiratory emergency:
Large breed dog
Noisy breathing, distress with inspiration, postural adaptations of dyspnea
Laryngeal paralysis (larpar)
Name the toxicity emergency:
Salivation, V, tachypnea, brown or cyanotic MM, dark or chocolate colored blood, edema of the face.
Acetaminophen toxicosis
A patient presents with GDV. What clinical signs can you expect to see?
Abdominal distention, pale, mussy or gray MM
tachycardia, weak pulse
When treating hypoglycemia dextrose must be given:
As a diluted bolus
A stable patient is not exhibiting a life threatening condition. These patients should receive care or be reevaluated within how much time?
1-2 hours
Name the cardiovascular emergency:
Pale, gray, or muddy MM. Prolonged CRT, rapid, weak pulse, evidence of acute blood loss, evidence of fluid loss
Hypovolemic Shock
Name the toxicity:
V/D, lethargy, abdominal pain, ataxia, blindness, seizures, nRBCs on a blood smear with no anemia, basophilic stippling present in RBCs
Lead poisoning
Enlarged eyeball, dilated pupil, negative menace response, absent PLR, corneal edema, and pain.
Increased IOP
What does SaO2 (pulse oximetry) indicate about a patient?
The % of hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen
What is the correct order of emergency?
1. Dog HBC, pink MM
2. Puppy V/D for 3d. Pale MM
3. Feline asthma attack
4. Feline had a fight with racoon yesterday. Small visible puncture.
Name the CNS emergency:
Depression, stupor, coma, seizure's, pupillary changes, nystagmus/ strabismus, blood in aural canal, hyphemia, scleral hemorrhage, skull or face fractures
head trauma
Pain and burning of throat, oral mucosa, and lips. Mucosal edema and dyspnea can occur
Philodendron/ Dumb Cane (insoluble calcium oxalate)
Treatment: will resolve without treatment
Hypercalcemia is a medical emergency because of its effect on which organ?
Puppies and kittens should be born within what time of each other?
Which order should P be seen?
1.Dog HBC yesterday, small laceration
2. 16y/feline V+ for 3d, pale MM
3. Choking dog
4. Dog with fish hook in lip
3, 2, 1, 4
Identify the renal system emergency:
V, dysuria/hematuria, anuria, evidence of trauma, abnormal effusion, red cells in urine, abdominal pain, hypovolemic shock, decreased urine output
Ureter or bladder rupture or tear
Name the toxicity:
V, PU/PD, tachypnea, tachycardia, azotemia, increased serum osmolality, metabolic acidosis, hypocalcemia, oliguria, ataxia, seizures, stupor, coma, calcium oxalate crystals
Ethylene Glycol Toxicity
Aggressive fluid therapy is contraindicate in which type of shock?
Cardiogenic shock