Whole Community

This federal organization was created by President Jimmy Carter in 1979 and is the organization that leads recovery efforts in response to natural disasters, man-made incidents, and terrorist events. 

What is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)? 


In this emergency preparedness cycle component capabilities are assessed and roles are identified. This is also what brides start to do after their proposal. 

What is Plan?


This is the popular color worn to celebrate St. Patrick's day but is also the code color that confirms that an emergency event is all clear. 

What is Code Green?


These types of organizations are based on beliefs and specific religious identities and are also part of the whole community.

What are faith-based organizations? 


In 2001, this terrorist attack prompted the United States and other world governments to engage in a greater focus on homeland security.

What is the attacks of September 11th?


The action taken during the response phase of the emergency management framework and preserves this title of a Milton Bradley board game. 

What is Life?


It is necessary to identify supply needs, personnel and skills needs in this cycle. This same concept is similarly done at home in the pantry.

What is Organize/Equip?


The color that symbolizes good fortune and luck in many cultures, but also the emergency code to alert hospital staff of a fire.

What is Code Red? 


This is a collaborative action that the whole community concept attempts to achieve, this is also an action that is believed to be harder to do at the end of the day. 

What is decision-making?


This mass casualty event occurred on October 1st at a country music festival in Las Vegas and made it necessary for the whole community to carry out the emergency management framework. 

What is the Route 91 event?


This phase of emergency management is also the term referred to what individuals do after a night out with friends and too many drinks. 

What is Recover?


This emergency preparedness cycle activity offers staff knowledge and skills to perform during emergencies and is Amtrak and Union Pacific's mode of transportation. 

What is Train? 


This code is the color known to be the location where die-hard Raiders fans sit at their home stadium and is also the code used to alert of a bomb threat. 

What is Code Black? 


FEMA introduced the Whole Community concept in 2011 to this framework which is charged with reducing vulnerabilities, threats, and hazards.

What is Emergency Management? 


This was the most recent incident in a Las Vegas college that implemented the emergency management framework. 

What is the UNLV active shooter event?


In the 1985 blockbuster movie, Back to the Future, the movie's premise was to prevent future events, which is also this emergency management framework activity. 

What is Mitigate? 


This activity is recommended for 30 minutes daily to promote health, and also puts to practice the activities of the emergency preparedness cycle. 

What is Exercise?


This is the type of bullet that is believed to be effective against werewolves and vampires and is the code that alerts staff of an active shooter incident.

What is Code Silver? 


In emergency management, it is the ability to adapt, recover, and overcome emergencies, and also what is believed to be fostered by laughter.  

What is resilience? 


Disney made debuted the movie, "Cars" which was the premise of the racing circut that Las Vegas recently hosted for the first time, in 2023. Also, one of the high-profile events that UMC hospital participated in. 

What is the Formula One? 


To serve a Thankgiving meal, it take much of this activity. This activity is also one that is necessary to be ready and able to respond to all hazards.

What is Prepare?


This emergency preparedness cycle allows stakeholders the opportunity to collectively identify lessons learned, identify gaps, and corrective action. This is also an activity that organizations use to review staff performance. 

What is Evaluate/Improve?


This is the color that is made when the colors red and blue are combined and is the code to alert staff when areas or hospital departments are not accessible due to an emergency. 

What is Code Purple?


This is one of the whole community principles that promotes individuals and/or groups to do something and is also the name of a financial company that services retirement accounts. 

What is empower? 


This is the culminating National Football League (NFL) championship game every year. In 2024, Las Vegas hosted this event for the first time. 

What is the Super Bowl? 
