General Emergency
Lost Camper
Lost Swimmer
Fire Safety
Propane Leak/Falen Electrical Fire

Who is allowed to administer First Aid to someone in need?

certified first aiders


What is the initial step taken when a camper is presumed missing?

The alarm or air horn will be sounded, and all campers and staff will assemble at the basketball court for a roll call.


What is the first step taken when a camper is presumed missing during a buddy up?

A roll call will be taken from the BUDDY BOARD to identify who is missing.


What item should a counselor take with them when leaving the cabin during a fire evacuation?

Fire Extinguisher


What should swimmers and boaters do during a lightning emergency at the Waterfront?

They should get out of the water, remove buddy tags, and leave the Waterfront.


True or False: During a suspected propane leak, it is safe to switch on or off electrical appliances or unplug them.



Who at camp should be notified in the event of a medical or traumatic emergency?

The counselor in charge should designate an assistant to report the incident to the Director's Cabin.


What is the role of the waterfront staff during the search for a missing camper?

The waterfront staff will report to the lake and conduct a search by boat around the lake's perimeter.


What action is taken if the missing camper is not found during the initial search?

The Director's Cabin will be called to have the person paged on the PA system.


What should Cabin and Activity Leaders do if they find an extinguisher not at full charge?

Cabin and Activity Leaders should report any extinguisher that is not at full charge.


What precautions should be taken when camping or hiking during a storm?

Get off hilltops, avoid lone tall trees, and crouch in the open away from trees (as they attract lightning). In the forest, stay beneath a group of small trees, avoiding big ones.


Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the gas is turned off at the source during a propane leak?

The caretaker, upon being notified by the Camp Director.


If a camper or counselor needs to go to thee Hospital, what needs to be taken with them?

Their medical file including all health forms


Who is responsible for searching the cabins and activity areas during a camper search?

Senior Counselors


What action is taken by the Waterfront Staff during a missing camper situation?

The Waterfront Staff will form a chain and search from the shallow end to the deep end of the lake.


When should a Fire Drill and Evaluation be held?

A Fire Drill and Evaluation should be held within 48 hours of each new session and during Pre-Camp Staff Training.


True or False: Taking showers is safe during an emergency.

False, it should be avoided


What is the role of the assigned Junior Counselor during a propane leak?

They are responsible for assuring that no one enters the building.


What information should be provided when calling for an emergency?

Where you are calling from, why you are calling, the injured person's name, description of the injury, and approximate arrival time to the hospital.


What location should all campers and staff gather at when a camper is presumed missing?

Basketball Courts


Where do campers and staff gather after the air horn is blown during a missing camper situation?

They gather quickly and quietly at the basketball court.


What fire safety equipment can be found in every building?

Fire extinguishers are in every building, and smoke detectors are in every cabin.


What should individuals do when lightning is present in a forested area?

They should stay beneath a group of small trees and avoid big trees.


In the event of a fallen electrical wire, should you go near it?



Where can you find First Aid kits?

All activities will have a first kit, and cabins will have a modified first aid kit. 


How do the search parties communicate with the Director during the search?



What happens if the missing person is still not found after the initial search at the Waterfront?

The search at the Waterfront will continue, and the local police will be notified.


Who will take a roll call when the entire camp is assembled on the basketball court?

Head Counselors


What action should be taken with electrical appliances to minimize the risk during an emergency?

Unplug all electrical appliances to prevent potential electrical hazards.


Who should you notify in the event of a fallen electrical wire? 

The camp director
