What is the Acronym used to guide each emergency response on the Plant?
What are the three (3) most common types of fire extinguishers?
ABC (dry chemical)
How many Emergency Exit Doors / Push Bar Doors are there?
Three (3)
What does P.A.S.S stand for?
What does P.P.E stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
Where is the Primary Emergency Assembly Point located on Lot 9?
The Promenade
If you catch on fire, what should you do?
______, ______ and _______
Stop, drop and Roll
During an emergency evacuation all employees, contractors and visitors must proceed to the muster point. True or False ?
What are three (3) types of Emergency situations that may arise?
General Emergency Evacuation
Medical Emergency
Severe Weather
Chemical spill/exposure
Bomb Threat
Gas Leak
What PPE is required in all areas on the plant?
Safety Boots
To ensure that they are effective, how often are emergency evacuation drills conducted on Lot 9?
Bi-annually or semi-annually
Fire needs what three (3) elements to start?
Heat/ Ignition Source
During an emergency which exit should be used?
A. The nearest and safest
B. Any door
C. The furthest
A. The nearest and safest
I notice that a co-worker, visitor or contractor is not at the muster point during an evacuation. What should I do?
Report their absence immediately to the Emergency Manager/ On Site Emergency Coordinator/ Fire Warden
The types of PPE that should be used to protect against splashes on the face and eyes.
Goggles / Face Shield
Persons who are trained and assigned to assist with emergencies and evacuations are members of this team?
Emergency Response Team
What type of fire extinguishers should be used for electrical fires ?
During an evacuation, I must line up with my Line/ Department until the Roll Call is completed.
True or False?
Emergency equipment used if chemical splashes on a persons body or face.
Eye wash and shower
What does the acronym OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Agency
If there is a fire on the compound the fire alarm should be activated immediately by pulling the _____ ______ or using the _______ ________ _______
Pull Station
Emergency Exit Door
What type of fire extinguisher should be used for oil or grease fires?
During an emergency evacuation persons are free to leave the compound
True or False?
Can lead to injuries when the workplace is not kept clean, orderly , spills are left behind and hoses are not wound up.
Poor housekeeping
An incident that does not result in a serious injury, but must still be reported.
First Aid / Near Miss