List two of Erik Erikson's life stages.
Autonomy versus shame and doubt: Occurs between one and three years, when toddlers develop autonomy or feel shame and doubt Initiative versus guilt: Children assert themselves more through play and social interaction Industry versus inferiority: Occurs during the early school years, when children develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments Identity versus role confusion: Occurs during adolescence, when individuals search for their identity Intimacy versus isolation: Individuals learn to develop close relationships or emotional distance from others Generativity versus stagnation: Adults strive to create or nurture things, often through parenting or contributing to the community - Integrity versus despair: The final stage, which begins at approximately age 65 and ends at death
What is cognitive development?
All the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating.
What is nature vs. nurture?
“Nature” proponents claim that the most important influence on development is biological inheritance (genes).
Nurture claims how we were raised and the environment are the biggest influence.
At what age range does the prefrontal cortex develop?
Erik Erikson says that you must first discover yourself (identity) before you can be successful in which stage?
What is adolescent egocentrism?
Heightened self-consciousness, belief that others are as interested in them as they are themselves, their sense of personal uniqueness and invulnerability