Defining Technologies
How is it used in class?
Think about it... (these questions should be discussed with the group)
Your classroom, your choice (how would you use these technologies)

Users take elements from the real world and a virtual environment and blend them together to augment a different environment. Not as immersive as VR. Can be done though smartphone or laptop.

Augmented Reality (AR)


How can games be used to enhance content?

They make it more engaging while providing feedback and authentic learning experiences. 


How does the use of games at home by students bring itself into the classroom?

Answers will vary. 

Students can connect to games at home, so hopefully they connect to educational games at school. They are use to them since they play them at home, so they have some knowlege of in class games.


How would you use AI to benefit you as a teacher?

Answers will vary.

I would use it to assist with lesson planning and differentiation.


Users use computers to portray a real or imagined 3 dimensional environment. Users can partake in activities while exploring this 3 dimensional universe. Fully immersive. Users most likely use goggles and headphones.

Virtual Reality (VR)


What should users look at to see if a game is valuable in the classroom?

- Look at content and if it is teaching what needs to be taught (content driven).
- It should provide user feedback.
- It should not have spam or ads.
- Does it help students meet their learning outcomes or just keep them busy? (it should progress their learning)
- Does it provide authentic learning experiences or real world problems?  


How can you help learners who are not familiar with emerging technologies?

Be a guide for them. Allow time for practice and exploration. Familarize them with technologies.


How would you use asynchronous learning to help your students?

Answers will vary.

I would use it to let them complete projects and assignments at their own pace.


An online field trip that allows students to explore various different places as if they were actually there.

Virtual Field Trip


How can VR be used in the classroom?

It puts them in real world environments and lets them practice higher level thinking skills.


How can AI help students without doing the work for them?

They can act as a collaborative partner, provide critiques and feedback, assist with creating activities, and much more.


What would you 3D print to benefit your students or classroom?

Answers will vary.

I would 3D print math game boards to help assist with learning more math concepts.


A method that involves virtual computer streaming and allows users to transfer data in real time as it is created or communicate in real time with one another.

 Live Streaming


Why are virtual field trips beneficial?

They help students explore and see places that they might be be financially and physically capable of traveling to.


What virtual field trip would benefit your students?

Answers will vary...

For myself, my class studies a whole unit of the Holocaust and WWII, so a virtual field trip to Germany might be worth exploring.


What games do you think are most improtant in your classroom with growing learners?

Answers will vary.

Splashlearn for math and fact fluency.


Learning which is more virtual and allows learners to access information at different times and in different places. More self paced and not live instruction.

Asynchronous Learning


How can live streaming benefit learners?

It can help them communicate and collaborate with users around the world.


Who can you live stream with to assist with student learning?

Other schools, mentors/role models, famous people, family members, and more.


How can VR be brought into an elementary school?

Answers will vary. 

Students can use it to explore different environments and practice problem solving in familiar or new places.
