What is Emily’s middle name?
Where did Walker go to college?
How does Misty play with her toys?
Corn Cobs
name the state Walker and Emily met
What is em and walkers favorite band?
What artist played on repeat in the car on the way to the proposal?
Harry Styles
Where did Walker propose to Emily
Zilker Botanical Gardens
How old was Misty when Emily adopted her?
Who said I love you first?
Walker (Emily told him to do so)
When did Walker and Emily become "official"?
January 19, 2020
What sorority was Emily in?
kappa kappa gamma
What Fraternity was Walker in?
who does Misty love more
Squirrels first, but Emily loved her first
What app did Emily & Walker “meet again”?
What is their go to date night food?
where did Emily work for her first job out of college (real adult job)?
PwC Audit
What bar did Walker take over a bachelorette and shake his booty with a bridal vale on?
What was misty’s original name?
What was the first trip Emily and Walker went on together?
Copper Mountain
What are Walker & Emily’s zodiac signs?
Taurus & Cancer
what was Emily’s punishment for losing the iron bowl bet in 2019?
posting a picture wearing an auburn shirt
Who told Walker that he actually had a chance with Emily? (two possible correct answers, if you get both that's double points)
Why did Misty's instagram (@mistythelabpei) get temporarily banned?
Emily changed the birthday to Misty's real birthday, which put her under the age restriction guidelines
What did Emily say when Walker told her he loved her for the first time?
“Thank you”
What did Emily tell walker he needed to learn before meeting her family?
how to shuffle cards