Around the Garden
Art and Artists
Weird New Jersey
Music from 2007
Before and After (portmanteaus)
Used in everything from pho to pesto, this herb with soft glossy leaves is easy to grow in a backyard garden. 

What is basil? 


This American sculptor best known for his iconic mobiles attended Stevens Institute for Technology in Hoboken, NJ for mechanical engineering. 

Who is Alexander Calder? 


This famous state cryptid has a hockey team named after it.

What is the Jersey Devil? 


This artist released her album Kala in 2007, featuring "Paper Planes" — more recently, however, she's been in the news for announcing her "WiFi-blocking" clothing line on Alex Jones' Infowars. 

Who is M.I.A.? [we share a birthday!] 


Nickelodeon's show about a fictitious web series with Miranda Cosgrove features a live performance from the "Call Me Maybe" singer.

What is iCarly Rae Jepsen? 

This flower that blooms in the middle of summer is named for how it "pops" open. 

What are balloon flowers?


The "Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer" is a typical example of this Austrian painter's style, incorporating numerous patterns as well as phallic compositions.

Who is Gustav Klimt?


New Jersey's nickname is this, despite it being the most densely populated state in the country. It's also the name of a movie with Zach Braff. 

What is The Garden State?


"For Emma, Forever Ago" was released in 2007 by this artist, and despite having the name "Emma" in the title, I never really got into it. 

Who is Bon Iver?


A desperate football pass gets stuck on a horse statue spinning in circles. 

What is a hail mary/merry-go-round? 


These ruby-throated pollinators are the only variety of their species that are native to the eastern half of the United States. 

What are hummingbirds?


Her "Truisms" are much shorter than her paragraph-sized "Inflammatory Essays," and include sentences such as "Abuse of power comes as no surprise" printed on postcards.

Who is Jenny Holzer? 


This capitol city's bridge features the slogan that what it "makes, the world takes."

What is Trenton?


This Louisiana rapper released Da Drought 2 in 2007, five years after he claims he was inspired by Jay-Z to stop writing down his lyrics.

Who is Lil Wayne?


Paul Blart portrayer takes a ride on a really big piece of fruit.

Who is Kevin James and the Giant Peach? 


These vibrant flowers are at the end of the alphabet, but bloom early in the summer and stick around all season.

What are zinnias?


Although best known for a painting of his mother, this American painter also created a number of "nocturnes" that largely depicted the water during nighttime.  

Who is James McNeill Whistler?


This city in northeast NJ has its own Penn Station, confusing many train-riding visitors to the area who mistakenly hear "New York Penn Station" over the fuzzy PA.

What is Newark?


This artist, whose real name is Noah Lennox, was behind two of 2007's best albums, as part of Animal Collective for Strawberry Jam, as well as his own moniker's Person Pitch.

Who is Panda Bear?


Radiohead's lead singer eats a geographically-named English dish that's not actually a custard. 

What is Thom Yorkshire pudding? 


Unlike regular "hot composting" which requires turning the waste, this type of composting uses non-micro organisms to do the dirty work. 

What is worm composting?


This contemporary Japanese artist's "Fireflies on the Water" installation is one of her many artworks featuring the repetition of dots. 

Who is Yayoi Kusama?


New Jersey is famous for many amusement parks, including this infamously dangerous water park that was the subject of a 2020 documentary on HBO. 

What is Action Park?


James Murphy leads this electronic rock group, which released Sound of Silver in 2007 and sounds like both a television and a speaker. 

What is LCD Soundsystem?


Mia Farrow gives birth to Satan, who then starts singing a song by Raffi.

What is Rosemary's Baby Beluga?
