How many Peruvians have been in SIA?
socc ______
What is Emma's current favorite place to get coffee?
CDL (Cafe Dear Leon)
Emma’s chosen Mario characters: past and now
Past: Luigi
Now: Tanooki
Name of Emma’s iconic therapist?
What position did emma play on JHU soccer?
did you know Chester cheetah is _____ #_____”
Latino #dale
What were Emma's majors and minor in college?
International studies & public health and minor in Latin American Studies
Name of Emma’s first Guinea pig?
Name of Emma’s roommates in Peru?
Mary Carmen and Amy
How many complete seasons of love is blind have Bella, Mandy, Nicky, and Amanda watched together?
They did not want to play ____ in nola
bad bunny
Who has Emma not lived with:
Her mom (Randi), Janet, Bella and Amanda, Molly, Siena, Ava, Crystal
Crystal (H. Iknew)
Select: where has emma worked? (Must get it completely correct)
chikfila, volo, esperanza center, soccer referee, retirement home, Randi’s law practice, cafe dear leon
chikfila, esperanza center, retirement home, Randi’s law practice
What are Nicky’s nicknames?
What is nicknack, patty, nickynackypattywacky, wacky, patpat
In what years did Emma’s team win nationals?
2019 Coppermine, 2022 JHU
The road to ____ ended here
What is the name of the city emma is from?
What was Emma's favorite series growing up? Name 2 of the 3
Dr. Who, Sherlock, Supernatural
What part of Peru is Emma’s dad from?
Select all that apply, closest answer wins
Which 4 are Emma’s favorite high snacks:
organic gluten free blueberry waffles, macadamia nuts, everything but the bagel chips, frozen rose ice cream, corn nuts, cheeseburger with waffle fries, bowl of cereal, chicken nuggets, pizza with hot honey drizzle, froyo
organic gluten free blueberry waffles, frozen rose ice cream, bowl of cereal, froyo
Doraliza's ____
What is the name of Emma’s high school?
IND - Institute of Notre Dame
What is Lobo's middle name?
In what grade did Jess and Emma meet?