what is this emoji?
an un patient emoji
what is this face?😛
A happy and silly face.
what do you call this emoji?🥰
A lovely face.
what is this food called?🍌
what has a little skirt and loves to dance?
A ballerina!
what is this emoji called?
A happy but evil demon
what is this face?😭
A very sad emoji!
what do you call this emoji?
A very likely shy emoji.
what is this called?
what goes on sage and sings?
a singer!
what is this emoji called?
A dizzy one!
what is this face?😘
a lovely kiss to say good bye
what is this one ?😉
a winkly one!
what is this food ?🍎
what cleans none stop?
A maid!
what is this emoji?
A one tear emoji!
what this face?🤗
A hi-hi emoji!
what happy emoji is this one now?😃
A very good one.
what is this food?🥕
what is always green?
a tree!
what is this emoji?
a poor one...
what this face now?😂
what will this happy face be called?🙂
a shy and happy one!
what is the food name?🍅
what will be happy all the time?