Lighten up
to relax
What is "To be all smiles".
look very cheerful and pleased, especially in contrast to a previous mood.
to burst into tears
This idioms means to suddenly start to cry.
What is "Bare your soul".
This idioms means, to tell someone your secret thoughts and feelings.
She was as hard as nails.
This idioms means, she was tough
Throw a tantrum
to become very angry or unreasonable
What is "Dissolve into tears".
it means to cry a lot
"She´s in the pink"
This idioms means she is healthy
What is "Wear your heart on your sleeve."
This idioms means, to show your feelings, especially your love for someone.
What is "To drop your guard."
This idioms means, to stop being careful about showing your emotions. Similar to "let your guard down".
Lose your head
to lose control of your emotions.
What is "Lose your temper".
This idioms means to become very angry.
to see red
This idioms means to get really angry.
What is "Get a grip on yourself".
This idioms means, to get control over your emotions.
What is, "Keep a Straight Face".
This idioms means, to try not to smile or laugh.
to go ballistic
to get really very angry
He was on pins and needles waiting for the news about his grades
nervous or worried
Complete this sentence: She looked at the report and burst into ----.
What does "go to pieces" mean?
become very upset
Complete this sentence: He threw a _____ in the supermarket and the screams were deafening.
Blow off steam or let off steam
to do or say something to get rid of strong emotions
Complete this sentence: He had a ----- on his shoulder
Complete this sentence: I couldn't keep a ----- face when I heard his joke.
Complete this sentence: She was so upset just now that had to get the news off her ----.
Complete the idiom:
She was on top of the -----, it was a perfect day.