What does our body do when we are angry?
Get hot, heart beat increases, stomach gets upset, muscles get tight
True or False: If someone teases me ONE time, it is called bullying.
FALSE, if it is not over & over again, it is not considered bullying (It's still not nice).
Who is this character?
True or false: it is good to keep all my emotions inside and not talk about them
False! Keeping all of your emotions bottled up makes them more intense...if you always do this, you will eventually explode and take your feelings out on the wrong person.
When the teacher or another adult is talking, we should be _______ and keep our eyes on her.
What might it look like if someone is sad?
Crying, frown on the face, head down, red face
True or fase: A bystander is a bad person for not doing anything to stop the bully
FALSE. Why might a bystander not do anything?
A person I can go to when I am feeling down is ______
My Teacher, Mrs. Coleman, another counselor, parent, a trusted adult, a friend
How can you show kindness to a friend?
Give them a hug, ask how you are doing; invite them to play with you, give them a compliment
if I have something to say during class, I should _________ .
Raise my hand, wait to be called on
What does our body do when we are feeling nervous?
butterflies in belly, fast heart beat, sweaty hands, etc.
Someone on the bus won't stop picking on you and calling you mean names, what could you do?
Say "That's not very nice, can you please not do that?"
tell a trusted adult
What is a way you can calm yourself?
deep breathing, counting, positive self-talk, talk to someone, write in a journal, draw until I am calm
When the teacher asks you to do something, it is important to ________ her directions
True or False: we can usually tell how other people are feeling based on how they are acting
TRUE, we do this by reading body language
What does M.O.O. stand for?
Mean, On purpose, over & over again
When someone is playing with a toy or game that I want to play with, I can ________
Ask them to share it, ask them to play with them, wait until it's my turn
True or False: There is always someone at the school that you can talk to about how you're feeling
How should I behave in the hallway?
Walk, keep my body calm, keep my voice off
A good way for me to tell a friend that I am having a rough day and need some space is...
Tell them in a private conversation, write them a note, ask my School Counselor to help me talk to them, say "I'm not mad at you, I just need some space for a moment."
What is the difference between a BYstander and an UPstander?
By stander doesn't do anything when they see bullying take place. An Upstander knows what to do to make bullying STOP.
How can I reach my Mrs. Coleman if she is busy or not in her office?
Tell my teacher I need to talk to her, fill out a pass (in front of her door), send her an email, tell my grown-ups at home I need to talk to my School Counselor (ask them to email her)
I can let someone know I am listening to them by ____.
Making eye contact, asking clarifying questions, focusing on the conversation (not getting distracted), offering advice or help.
When my teachers helps me with my work or someone serves me food in the cafeteria, a respectful thing to say back is _____!
Thank You!