T/F - Emotion Regulation skills are intended to work every time



Name a pleasant activity you can do tonight

Answers Vary


The name of the skill in which you rehearse a plan ahead of time so that you are prepared when there is a threat

Cope ahead


Describe Mindfulness Skills: Body Scan 

Taking a moment to focus on our bodies grounds us in the here-and-now. It also helps to understand discomfort and to make space for comfort and neutral sensations. 

Suggested instructions:
• Notice any pain, discomfort, and tension that you are feeling
• Just notice, don't do anything about it
• Notice relaxation, comfort, and feeling at ease
• Also become aware of neutral sensations (neither pleasant nor unpleasant)
• Take a moment to be with yourself on the inside
• Now become aware of yourself on the outside
• Notice your feet on the ground
• Become aware of your environment with all five senses
• Notice lighting, temperature, sound, and perhaps smell and taste
• Become aware of people around you, closeness/distance
• One more moment spent on the outside, the inside, then come to participate


Name 3 Healthy Coping Skills

 3 Healthy Coping Skills  

h e r e 


What is one Function of emotions

motivate and organize action, communication to others, communicate to ourselves


Name a tip for getting better sleep 

Stick to a schedule, establish a bedtime routine, don’t eat or drink a lot before bed, avoid caffeine and nicotine, exercise, keep your room cool, sleep primarily at night, keep it dark, quiet and no screens, use your bed only for sleep, soak and sack out, don’t rely on sleeping pills, and don’t catastrophize


Give an example of how you would experience your emotion in a healthy way

observe your feeling, step back and notice it, get unstuck, experience it as a WAVE, coming and going, don’t try to get rid of it or push it away, and don’t try to hold on to it


The name we give to the trigger. It's what happened in the minutes right before the emotion fired

prompting event


The activity that begins every group

mindfulness activity


T/F - "Negative" emotions are a result of bad attitude



What is a "Prompting Event" ? 

The event that sets off the emotion. Can be internal or external.


Describe how you can "imagine Your Emotions Are a Wave" ?


State a  feeling. And imagine current coming and going and if not going riding the wave of emotion. 


Describe Opposite Action 

It is one of the dialectical behavior therapy emotion regulation skills to help you identify whether or not these actions make sense in the moment and what to do about them. (Changing our behavior can change our emotions). Envy -> Gratitude or Depression-> Joy


What do Emotions Do For Us?

1. Motivate Us
2. Communicate to Others
3. Give Us Information
4. Help Us understand others


Name a goal of Emotion Regulation

Understand and name the emotions that you experience, Decrease emotional frequency and sensitivity, Decrease emotional intensity


What is DBT ? 

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a type of talking therapy


 What is CBT ? 

 Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talking therapy. It is a common treatment for a range of mental health problems. CBT teaches you coping skills for dealing with different problems. It focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect your feelings and actions.


What is the H.A.L.T skill?

  •  HALT is an acronym that stands for “hunger, anger, lonely, tired.” 


What are different Types of Coping? 

Types of Coping

-Behavioral (confronting a person in conflict; physical exercise)
-Avoidance (withdrawl; distraction; use of substance)
-Cognitive Strategies (analyzing the situation to understand the threat)


What does GIVE stand for?

Gentle Manner, be Interested, Validate, Easy Manner



How do we describe Wise Mind?

 1. Reasonable and emotion mind
2. The Middle Path
3. Allows for intuition 

Any will do 


How would you describe DBT to others ?

 Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a modality developed with the goal of increasing resilience and build a life worth living. It is based on learning skills for changing problem behaviors that are life threatening, treatment inhibiting or quality of life inhibiting in addition to integrating mindfulness practices for living in the moment and accepting what is. 


How do external and internal factors affect each other on the topic of emotion regulation?

Internal and external factors affect each other within the development of the emotion regulation because one's behavior is always embedded in the environment.  (e.g., more negative parenting is more likely to elicit the development of negative behaviors from the child).


Describe some Efforts to regulate emotion (s) 

inhibit inappropriate behavior, self soothe, refocus attention, accept/experience negative emotions, and organize despite mood state.
