What is a body reaction for level 1.
Any of the following: relaxed muscles, breathing calm, energized, warm and fuzzy.
How many columns are in a 5 point scale?
What emotion is at a level 1.
Calm, happy, relaxed, content
I enjoy reading, watching movies and listening to my music. What level on the 5 point scale would this situation be in?
Level 1
What is 1 quality you appreciate about your other group members?
Answers vary. Participant will receive a point if they identify 1 quality they appreciate about another group member.
If you were out of control, how would your body feel?
Muscles tense, clenched jaw and fists, heart rate fast, quick breathing, shaking, hot/red face.
Name the columns of the 5 point scale.
Pictures, Emotions, Situations, Body Reactions
If you forget your math homework and it is due today. What emotion would you feel?
Annoyed, frustrated, disappointed
What is 1 situation that causes you to feel a level 5 (out of control).
Answers vary
What is 1 thing you learned about the 5 point scale.
Answers vary
Explain how your body feels right now.
Answers vary.
How many levels are in the 5 point scale?
True or False, everyone feels the same emotions for different situations.
True or False: We all identify the same situations that cause us to feel different emotions on the 5 point scale.
What 2 teams are in the Super Bowl?
Chiefs and Eagles
If you are feeling tired, how might your body feel?
Fatigue, lack of energy, steady breathing, shoulders feel heavy, weak muscles.
True or False: The 5-point scale will allow me to identify when I am not in a good place (mentally and emotionally) more quickly so that I can respond more appropriately.
You get pushed in the hallway and you drop all of your books. What level on the 5 point scale would you feel?
Level 4 or 5
Answers vary
What is Mrs. Phillips's student teacher's name?
Miss Shore
What coping strategy can you doo if you feel your body at a level 5?
Answers vary.
Describe what your level 5 on your 5 point scale looks like?
Out of control, rage, furious
If you notice that someone else is at a level 4 or 5, what would be an appropriate way to react to them?
Answers vary
You didn't get enough sleep last night and you are feeling a lack of energy today at school. What level on the 5 point scale are you?
Level 2
Where is the Super Bowl taking place at?
New Orleans