Every emotion has an action urge. True or False?
What is True!
Avoiding or Changing a Problem Event
What is Problem Solving?
This is the definition of Check the Facts
What is check whether your emotional reactions fit the facts of the situation?
What is reduced when practicing ABC PLEASE *Hint- This is one of our Emotion Regulation goals
What is vulnerability to emotion mind?
The acronym meaning for PLEASE
What is "Treat Physical Illness, Balance Eating, Avoid mood-altering substances, Balance Sleep, and Get Exercise?"
The action urge to fear
What is run away/avoid?
What we should always do when asking ourselves if acting on this emotion is effective
What is Check Wise Mind?
This term describes our thoughts and beliefs about the facts when on step 3 of checking the facts.
What are interpretations?
The skill to make changes in your life so that positive events will happen more often in the future, to build a "life worth living."
What is Accumulate Positive Emotions in the long-term
The recommended number of hours of sleep to get a night
What is 7-9 hours?
The opposite action to sadness
What is Get Active?
The other emotion regulation skill that we practice during Problem Solve after we figure out and describe the problem situation
What is Check the Facts?
Check the Facts asks us to (fill in the blank) before you react on your emotions.
What is "to think"?
In Building Mastery, we plan for (fill in the blank), not (fill in the blank)
What is "Success" and "Failure?"
Examples of two things to avoid late in the day before going to sleep
What is caffeine, nicotine, heavy meals, and exercise?
One example of an All-the-Way Opposite Action for Anger
What is Imagine understanding and empathy for other person, changing your posture, or changing your body chemistry?
What is Pros and Cons?
After a prompting event, our thoughts/interpretations can influence our emotions AND our emotions can influence our thoughts/interpretations. True or False
An example of a worry that we are unmindful of when practicing accumulating positive experiences in the short-term
What is "When the positive experience will end," "whether you deserve this positive experience," and "how much more might be expected of you now?"
Stay away from foods that make you feel overly (fill in the blank)
What is emotional?
The 5th step of Opposite Action after checking the facts and seeing that acting on emotions is not effective
What is Identify Opposite Actions?
What Problem Solving can reduce when changing our emotional responses? Hint: One of our Emotion Regulation goals
What is will reduce the frequency of negative emotions?
The emotion that is justified when your own behavior violates your own values or moral code.
What is Guilt?
An example of one thing that we are rehearsing to cope effectively for
What is "rehearse in our minds exactly what we can do to cope effectively," "rehearse our actions, thoughts, what to say, and how to say it," "rehearse coping effectively with new problems that come up," and "rehearse coping effectively with our most feared catastrophe?"
An example of one thing you can do when you are calm, but wide awake while using the sleep hygiene protocol
What is "Get out of bed, go to another room, and read a book or complete a task" or "try a light snack?"