Name one way you can tell what emotion you are experiencing.
What are the PLEASE skills about and why are they important?
They are about attending to physical health to regulate our emotions. They are important because our mental health and physical health are intertwined.
What does accumulating positive emotions mean?
Behaving in ways that will increase the likelihood of experiencing positive emotions.
What do you use opposite to emotion skills for?
To possibly change an emotion by acting in a way that is different than the emotion action.
What does anxiety feel like?
Name one skills from the PLEASE skills.
Treat physical illness
Balance eating
Avoid mood altering substances
Balance sleep
Get exercise
What is the goal of building mastery?
To gain a sense of accomplishment and complete personal goals.
How can we use opposite to emotion for anxiety? Give an example
Go to the grocery store even though going to the grocery store causes anxiety.
What does depression feel like?
Fatigue, "slowed down," heavyness, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and helplessness
Name one PLEASE skill you can use over the next few days and tell us your plan to use it.
Name one build mastery task you can complete over the next few days.
How can we use opposite to emotion with depression? Give an example
Get out of bed and take a shower when depression tells me not to get up.
Name 2 emotion words related to anger?
Frustrated, enraged, annoyed, perturbed, etc.
Name three ways to practice PLEASE skills.
Get 7-9 hours of sleep
Eat a balanced breakfast
Get moderate exercise for 20 minutes
What is an example of a mindful positive experience in your life that you already have?
Taking your dog for a walk
What is mood congruent behavior?
Engaging in behaviors that keep an emotion going.
Why do we talk about the interpretation of an event being important for understanding our emotions?
Our interpretation influences what emotion we feel and identify with.
What are two ways to help your sleep hygiene?
Wake up at the same time every day
Avoid caffeine, heavy meals, and exercise 3-4 hours before bedtime
What is an example of a planned positive experience and why might planning these experiences be important?
It is important because waiting to be in a good mood to engage in positive experiences means you may be waiting a long time.
What is one way you can use mood congruent behavior to your advantage?
When feeling a sense of accomplishment after cleaning the kitchen, going to clean the bathroom.