Located at the rear of the brain, this Lobe is responsible for processing of visual information
Occipital Lobe
A brain signal that tells our bodies to react to a the world around us
emotions or feelings
A feeling of great enthusiasm or eagerness, usually because of something anticipated or upcoming.
what is mindfulness
Focus and Awareness on the present
You have a four day weekend.
Excited, happy, grateful
Located on the sides of the brain; this Lobe is responsible for language, memory and time
Temporal Lobe
What is the purpose of emotions?
What is to guide us to survive and thrive
A sense of worry, fear, or concern, often about somthing
1 goal of mindfulness
Giving us information about our thoughts, emotions, urges, and physical sensations
You have a test tomorrow.
stressed/ nervous, anxious
This lobe is located at the front of the brain and involves like decision making and judgement. some time known as the thinking Lobe
Frontal Lobe
What are different ways that we send and pick up on emotional messages?
Voice inflection, facial expressions, posture and specific behavioral patterns
A feeling of appreciation or thankfulness for something received or experienced.
Grateful/ thankful
impact of mindfulness
Increases compassion for ourselves and others
Someone might feel this way if...
they want to play Roblox with their friends, but they have to wait.
mad, annoyed
The part of the brain in charge of our automatic functions like breathing and our heart beat.
Brain Stem
T/F Emotions are learned
False, Most scientists believe that basic emotions are innate (you are born with them) rather than learned
A feeling of self-consciousness or shame, often caused by a mistake or being in an awkward situation.
mindfulness should be......
calming, peaceful, quiet
You think of memories that are positive and meaningful to you.
What is sentimental?
Located at the top middle of the brain; this Lobe processes information from the senses to create a perception of you and the world around you and helps with thinking.
parietal lobe
what are the 6 basic emotions
Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Surprise, Anger
A feeling of hopefulness and confidence about the future, often characterized by a belief in positive outcomes
how can we do it
Breathing exercises, being quiet and calm, reflect on our bodies
Someone might feel this emotion if...
Someone sent them a Valentine.
Thankful, grateful, loved