Self Awareness
Self Management
Relationship Management

What does it mean to be Self-Aware?

The ability to recognize and understand your emotions. Having a good sense of who you are. 


What is the difference between self awareness and self management? 

Self awareness is being aware of yourself, feelings, and surroundings, self management is taking that information and carrying out actions that help improve your self. 


When is a time someone took the time to listen to you (aka socially aware of you and your needs) and it really blessed your life? 

Thanks for sharing! 


Why is it important to have good Relationship Management skills?

This allows for nurturing in a relationship and continual improvement, whether it is between you and another person, or organizations and stake holders.  


How does having self awareness impact the way your decisions and goals are made?

Self-awareness helps you get to know yourself better. By knowing your strengths and weaknesses, in a realistic way, you will be more likely to set achievable goals!
What are some things you can do to get your emotional health back on track? 

-          Envision success

-          Focus on what you do right, and avoid comparing yourself to others

-          Let go of what you cannot control

-          Accept the reality of some boring routines

-          Don’t feed your anger

-          Resis the tendency to blame or shame others or yourself

-          Listen to the Spirit, not negativity


How do you show social awareness?

Understand what it means to listen. 

Repeat what was said (shows you were listening).

Pay attention to tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions. 


What are examples of how to improve your relationship management skills? 

Set clear expectations, learn to recognize others emotions, ask questions, use praise, develop shared values, be a leader. 


Self-awareness is the skill of being aware of and understanding your emotions as they occur and as they evolve. It is wrong to think of emotions as either positive or negative. Instead, you should think of them as _______________.

Appropriate or Inappropriate


What are some tools that God has given us to help us have better Self- Management?

Possible answers: The Holy Ghost. Giving our time to him and he multiples out time. etc.


Service is one of the 3 types of social awareness (service, empathy, and organizational). Share an experience where you were able to understand and meet the needs of clients and customers. 

Thanks for sharing!


Conflict management, which is resolving disagreements and collaboratively developing resolutions, is a part of Relationship management. Share an experience when you successfully (or unsuccessfully) utilized conflict management.

Thanks for sharing! 
