Managing Emotions
Opposite Action
Myths about Emotions
Increasing Positive Emotions
Describing Emotions

How can we manage negative self-talk?

We can use positive self talk. A good way to do this is through 'cheerleading' statements, these are the words a good friend, good or family member might say to us, to encourage and support us.


What is a behavior you may have if you are angry? What is an opposite behavior?

* Physically attack others ---> be respectful * Yell --- > use a soft voice * Blame others --- > take the responsibility


"Emotions are stupid and useless."

Is this a myth or fact?

What would an opposing view say?

Emotions are the fastest way to discover what our attitude is towards a certain situation. We are programmed to feel emotions and they are there for a reason. They can be very helpful in certain situations. If I happen to feel overwhelming emotions about something, I can learn skills to cope with them in the most optimal way possible.


Name 3 positive emotions

-Excitement -Happiness -Love -Enjoyment -Fun


Imagine yourself coming home and finding a huge present with your name on it. There is a note on the gift that says, "Don't open it until noon tomorrow." -what are 4 emotions you would be experiencing?

-Happiness -Excitement -Anxiety -Surprise/shock -Impatience -Frustration -Anticipation...


How can having a good diet and exercise help your mood?

- Can increase your energy

- Can help you stay active

- Produces endorphins

- Can support your physical health


What is a behavior you may have if you are sad? What is an opposite behavior?

isolate --- > interact with others shut down --- > talk cry --- > do something you enjoy


"Life is boring without drama and extreme emotions."

Is this a myth or fact?

What would an opposing view say?

Being open to all the different emotions we might be feeling can enrich our life. But, acting without stopping and thinking result from intense emotions can lead to destructive behavioral consequences that are not good for us in the long run. There are other healthier ways to enrich our life experience besides trying to get into drama.


What are 4 things that you can do to put you in a good mood?

-talk on the phone -get on the computer -play a game -shop -listen to music -draw/color -write -hang out with friends...


Imagine yourself walking into the lunch room and seeing your best friend, who you eat lunch with everyday, eating with someone else. You ask to sit with them and your best friend says, "Sorry, I'm sitting with Alex today. You can't sit here." -Name 4 emotions you might be experiencing.

- Hurt - Confusion - Anger - Embarassment - Sadness - Irritation - Madness


What are hitting the pause button skill?

Stop and Think

Count to ten

Walk Away

Just Breathe

Reframe my thinking

Close my eyes 

Think of positive thoughts

Think of something I love

Picture a stop sign


What is a behavior you may have if you are guilty? What is an opposite behavior?

take it out on someone --- > be nice to someone lie --- > be honest/ confess punish yourself --- > talk to someone, choose to not hurt yourself


"I shouldn't try to change the way I feel because that is inauthentic."

Myth or fact?

What's the opposing view?

Although we shouldn't try to wilfully oppose the negative emotions we feel, accepting them can bring a natural change and can transform the primary emotion into something else. Working on our overwhelming or persistently negative emotions can improve the quality of our behaviours and life in general.


Your friend tells you they are having a bad day, nothing is going their way, and they are super bummed out. -Give your friend some advice to turn their day around.

Tell your friend that they can focus on the things that are going good in their life. Do something you enjoy doing. Give them some suggestions for increasing positive emtions. -read a book -go for a walk -exercise...


How could you tell you are feeling angry from the way your body feels?

- Feel hot

- Feel tense

- Feel like you want to shout, argue, hit something.

- Clench your fists

- Stomp around


When do we need to use how Big (Small, Medium or Large) is my problem?

- When the emotion does not fit the situation.

- When the emotion is too intense for the situation.


When we are angry, we may be triggered to attack, verbally or physically. Often we go along __________ .

 If we can invite ourselves to use our____________ , we can make better decisions.

When we are angry, we may be triggered to attack, verbally or physically. 

Often we go along with our  EMOTIONS. 

If we can invite ourselves to use our COPING SKILLS, we can make better decisions.


"I should never let others know how I feel because they will think I am weak."

Myth or fact?

What's the opposite view?

Just because I express how I feel in a certain situation, it doesn't mean that I am weak. Emotions are part of how we react to the events around us and inside us and it is totally normal to let others know how I feel. Also, there are effective ways to do it


How can repairing our relationships with others increase positive emotions?

-By owning our mistakes, we can work towards making our relationships with others stronger -Helps us let go of negative feelings we may have towards someone


How could you tell from someone's body language and behaviors if they were feeling anxious?

-Fidgety, can't sit still -Breathing heavy -Difficulties focusing -Worried look on their face


When do we need to use problem solving and how can we do this?

- When we have checked the facts and the emotion fits the situation.

- When we are experiencing unwanted emotions


1. Describe the situation

2. Check the facts

3. Identify your goal in problem solving

4. Brainstorm solutions

5. Choose a solution

6. Put solution into action

7. Evaluate outcomes


What does opposite action/feeling mean? 

Why is this important?

Opposite action means to do the opposite of how you are feeling . It is an important skill because instead of giving into the negative emotion we can do the opposite action and eventually our mood will start to change. You would want to use this skill whenever you are feeling a negative emotion


"If I feel something, then it must be true."

Myth or fact?

What's the opposing view?

Sometimes our emotions keep on lingering and growing inside is, even after the time where they served their purpose. Even though sometimes the way we feel can show us the right decision we should make, they are not always true. For example, feeling worthless, or like everybody is against us doesn't mean it's true.


What does the following phrase mean: "Building a life worth living"

-Focusing on the positive things occuring in our life -Developing healthy relationships -Setting short and long-term goals for ourselves -Involving ourselves in activities/experiences that bring us joy, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment -Figuring out what we value and what brings meaning to our life


Today is Devin's birthday. Shortly after arriving to school, his girlfriend of 5 months tells him she is breaking up with him. He then gets a "0" in his math class for forgetting to bring his homework with him today. After school, Devin gets ready to go to dinner with some of his family and friends to celebrate his birthday at his favorite restaurant.

How many different emotions is Devin feeling?

Name some of the emotions.

-Excitement -Disappointment -Sadness -Confusion -Happiness
