Emotions: True or False
Emotional Awareness
Emotional Avoidance
Emotional Acceptance
Active Coping

TRUE OR FALSE: There is a right way to feel in every situation

FALSE: Feelings are not right or wrong. Different people will feel different emotions depending on the situation. 


Why is it important to know which emotion we’re feeling?

- When we understand our emotions then we can have a better understanding of ourselves and our world.

- We can’t change what we’re not aware of. Knowing which emotion allows us to choose the best way to cope.


Which emotions do people typically not want to feel or experience?

- Sadness

- Fear

- Shame/Embarrassment

- Rejection

- Jealousy


How can we become stuck with our thoughts and emotions?

- Playing things over and over in our mind

- Remembering past hurts

- Believing that because we think it, it must be true

- Focusing on blaming others instead of feeling our feels



What are 3 different ways we can cope with overwhelming emotions?

- Make it Bigger

- Make it Smaller

- Do nothing


TRUE OR FALSE: I can't cope with painful emotions

FALSE: People can learn to tolerate unpleasant emotions with practice. We can learn to respond v react. 


What makes it difficult to know what we’re feeling?

- We may not have been taught about feelings
Feelings can be uncomfortable, so we avoid paying attention to them

- Sometimes there are multiple emotions happening at the same time


How do we avoid difficult emotions?

- Dismissing it or denying it entirely

- Zoning out with media

- Replacing it with positive thinking

- Substances

- Distraction (work)


What happens when emotions and thoughts take over our actions?

- We end up acting in ways we are not proud of

- Situations can spiral out of control

- We feel regret afterwards


How can we make the intensity of emotions less or smaller

- Helpful Distraction - changing activities

- Physical Activity

- Labelling the emotion- " Name it to Tame it"

- Connecting with Others

- TIPP (Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Paired Muscle Relaxation)


TRUE OR FALSE: Emotions help motivate us for actions

TRUE: Emotions can energize us and set us in motion to accomplish a goal. 


How can we become more aware of what we’re feeling?

- Pay attention to ourselves - checking inside

- Notice where we feel the emotion in our bodies - “heavy heart,” “nervous butterflies,” “sick to stomach”

- Notice our thinking and behaviours and how they might be linked with our emotions


What are the consequences of avoiding emotions in relationships?

- Makes communication difficult

- Problems can build up

- Lack of intimacy; creates distance


How can we prevent our emotions and thoughts from taking over our actions?

- Creating some distance so we can observe our experiences. 

- "I notice my mind saying ....."

- Labelling without judgement " I notice sadness and it feels like a tightness in my chest"


What is helpful about increasing the intensity of emotions like anger, sadness, and fear?

- Anger motivates us to set boundaries

- Sadness helps us to grieve, slow down, and remember 

- Balanced levels of fear motivate us to protect ourselves and what is important to us


TRUE OR FALSE: All difficult emotions will increase in intensity if I don't act now

FALSE: Emotions don't last forever. They reach a peak and then subside. 


How can our emotions shift our thinking?

- High emotions make it difficult to think clearly - our "lid is flipped." 

- Emotions can narrow our attention.

- Emotions can "build up" or make things seem worse than they are.


What happens to painful emotional experiences when we avoid them?

- They continue to build up and often come out sideways - when we're not expecting it or in ways we later regret

- Can result in long-term health problems, negative behaviour, or unhealthy patterns 


What are some rules about others that can keep us stuck in painful emotions such as anger and sadness?

- People should/must ….

Thinking that things are either right or wrong

They always ....


What does it mean to do nothing with emotions that are not too intense?

- Doing nothing means noticing the emotion, naming the emotion, but making a choice to mindfully observe it without judgement. 


TRUE OR FALSE: Emotions help us communicate with people

TRUE: Emotions tell us things - about ourselves and others. They help us to connect with others and share experiences.


How are men often taught to handle their emotions?

- Stuff them

- Don't show them

- Shield family/loved ones from knowing how you're feeling


What can we do instead of avoiding painful experiences?

- Acceptance - Acknowledge the difficulty in the painful experience. 

- Allow yourself to observe how it impacts your thoughts, physical sensations, and actions. 


What can you do to prevent struggling with difficult thoughts, emotions, and sensations?

- Treating yourself kindly during a difficult time by acknowledging the uncomfortable feelings, sensations and thoughts is a helpful way to prevent struggling with difficult experiences. 

- This is also known as self-compassion. 


What might our life look like if we are able to actively cope with our emotions?

- Take actions that are guided by our values. 

- We can respond vs. react to situations

- Healthier bodies and minds, as less energy is going toward fighting emotions

- More connected and honest relationships 
