Someone gives you the best gift EVER.
Imagine you're at recess and someone told you that you couldn't play with them?
Find other friends to play with for the day, talk it out to get understanding, ask an adult to help mediate if nothing is resolved,
You might feel THIS way if...
you get blamed for something that you did not do
Using words to describe your thoughts and feelings to someone you trust.
Talking it out
You might be in this ZONE if...
The person next to you won't stop tapping their desk.
(Annoyed, angry, irritated) red zone
You have to stand up in front of the class and read your DARE essay.
You're sitting at the lunch table when someone throws a milk carton at you. It hits you, and milk gets all over your clothes. Everyone around you is laughing, including the person who threw the milk.
A)pick up the milk carton and throw it back
B) Get cleaned up and report it to an adult
You might feel THIS way if...
You have nothing to do.
Name 3 things you can do to cope with anger
deep breathing, go for a walk, count to 10, sing, punch a pillow, run around outside, talk it out, etc
You might be in this ZONE if...
You're really sick with the flu and just can't do anything.
(Sad, sick, miserable, terrible) Blue
True or False: Other people can make me feel a certain way.
False- Our feelings come from our thoughts, so others do not have the power to make us feel bad unless we allow them to.
After recess one day, the person you sit next to in class says that you smell bad. For the rest of the day, this person holds her nose like she can't stand being near you. She even pretends to cough and gag.
ask her to please stop, go to the bathroom or nurse's office to "freshen up"
You might feel THIS way if...
Someone is saying mean things about someone you know and you're not sure what to say.
Uncomfortable and confused
Its okay to feel uncomfortable feelings but it's my____ to regulate myself.
You may be in this ZONE if...
You come to school ready to learn by being respectful responsible and productive
(happy, calm) Green
You found out that your best friend is spreading rumors about you
Angry, disappointed,
You and another person disagree about the rules of a game. YOu know you're right, but the other person gets everyone else in the group to go against you. Soon they're all calling you names
Take Time and space
Being away from the group to calm your body, your thoughts, and try to change your feelings.
You might feel THIS way if...
Someone helped you when you really needed it most
Thankful, grateful, happy
Writing/drawing or recording your feelings on paper (or tablet) is most likely called _______?
You might be in this ZONE if...
you are antsy, have the giggles, have a hard time sitting still and your engine is running faster than normal.
(excited, nervous, anxious, silly) Yellow
You accidentally told someone one of your friend's deepest darkest secret and they found out.
embarrassed, disappointed,
During announcements, the person sitting behind you punches you in the back. YOu try to tell the teacher but he only says to be quiet during morning announcements
A) Get up and storm out of the classroom yelling "Life isn't fair"
B) Take matters into your own hands
C) Wait until announcements are over to tell the teacher
You might feel THIS way if...
You're sweating, high pulse rate, upset stomach/butterflies in stomach.
Terrified, scared, anxious
Relaxation, walking, healthy eating, proper sleep, setting aside “me” time, taking breaks, rewarding yourself are examples of ________.
Self-care, being healthy, taking care of yourself
You can't have your favorite dessert.
(sad, disappointed, mad, angry) blue or red