What are some protective factors?
Physical Activity, Diet, Sleep
What does "Action Urge" mean?
It is the actions that we feel like doing for a particular emotion
What does TIPP stand for?
Temperature, Intense exercise, Progressive Muscle relaxation, Paced breathing
Name some signs of trouble when you are anxious
When should you do Opposite action?
If it does not fit the facts, or When the emotion, its intensity, or its duration are not effective for your goals in the situation
What is a good way to use the Temperature skill?
Cold ice pack, drink a cold drink, eat an ice cream, take a cold shower, take a warm bath
Name some expressions of emotions
Facial expression, body language, words, actions
What does it mean to do an opposite action "All the way"?
•Opposite behavior
•Opposite words and thinking
•Opposite facial expression, voice tone, and posture
What is a some good ways to do intense exercise?
Push ups, jumping jacks, crunches, squats
Name some body sensations when you are angry
Rapid heart rate, feeling hot, tense muscles, cannot sit still
What are some good coping skills that you can do by yourself at home?
Listen to music, watch a movie, read a book, journal, take a nap, play with pets, cook a dish, eat your favorite food
Show me an example of paced breathing and muscle relaxation?
breathe in from nose and out from mouth, lemon squeezes, tense shoulders and relax it
What does HALT stand for?
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
What are some good coping skills you can do with your family and/or friends?
Watch a movie, go out for a drive, play video games with friends, call a friend to talk, send them a text message, watch a funny video with them
When is a good time for you to do TIPP skills?
When you have an intense emotion and feel overwhelmed and want to calm down