What is an anger symptom you experience most often?
Racing Heart
Shallow breathing
Tightness in the chest
Muscle Tension
Feeling hot
Clenched Fist
What should you do if you feel sad and don't know why?
Talk to someone you trust
Write down your emotions
Use a calm down tool
Use a distraction tool
In what situations do you need to use a coping mechanism?
Coping mechanisms are strategies that help people deal with stress and uncomfortable emotions.
Example: taking a test at school, for a big baseball game, dealing with your parents divorce, when you feel stressed due to school.
What is anxiety?
A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.
Name something you might find at a pool party.
(Think of the top answers people would report.)
1. Swimwear (30 points)
2. Pool Floats (25 Points)
3. Drinks (20 points)
4. Sunscreen (15 points)
5. Towels (10 points)
What is something that goes through your mind when you experience anger?
This isn't fair.
He shouldn't have done that.
This shouldn't have happened.
What a jerk.
This is wrong.
What is one thing you can do if you're feeling overwhelmed with school, and school work?
Take a break
Talk to someone about it
Ask for support (teacher or friend or parent)
Deep breathing exercises
Keep thinking positive thoughts
What is a coping skill?
A tool or technique to help manage stress and emotions
What can be a symptom of anxiety people experience?
Rapid Heartbeat
Difficulty Concentrating
Stomach Pain
Name a popular ice cream flavor.
Vanilla (35 points)
Chocolate (30 points)
Strawberry (20 points)
Mint chocolate chip (10 points)
Cookies and cream (5 points)
What would be a con of expressing your anger in an unhealthy manner?
It hurts other people.
I can hurt myself.
I can say things I regret.
I can do things I regret.
How can playing a sport / exercising help with stress?
It helps your body release energy and makes you feel good.
Find things that make you laugh; is an example of a coping skill that can be used to help change your mood and thoughts.
Tell me at least 3 things that make you laugh, and put you in a better mood.Youtube videos
Playing with a silbing
What setting do you experience the most anxiety in?
1- School
2- My House
3- Out in the community
4- When talking to new people
5- When I try new things.
Answers will Vary
Name a popular summer activity.
Write down a list of "feeling states" you tend to experience when you are angry. (E.g. Stress, hunger)
Answers will vary.
What is an example of a NOT so healthy coping skill?
Shouting at people- lashing out
Punching or hurting others
Hurting yourself
Eating Junk food
Identify comforting activities, objects, people, relationships, and places help lower your stress levels, and help you cope.
Name at least 1 activity, 1 object, 1 person, and 1 place that brings you peace and calmness.
Answers Vary:
Deep breathing
My Pillows
My Blankets
My Mom
My Friend
My Bedroom
Which of these is a healthy way to cope with anxiety?
1. Avoiding all stressful situations
2. Using deep breathing
3. Ignoring your feelings.
4. Not voicing your concerns or issues with people
2 - Deep breathing
Name a fruit you might find in a smoothie.
Write down activities you can engage in to distract yourself and allow anger to subside.
Some ways to distract yourself include?
Doing a puzzle
Naming and noticing games: Pick a letter and name all the cities you can think of that start with that letter.
A-Z Game
Name 5
What soothes you most?
My Blanket
My Dog
My Cat
Being outside
Taking a shower
Write in your journal: this is a coping skills used to distract your anxious thoughts, and also help with expressing your emotions.
Write down or discuss 3 things that made you happy this past week.
Answers will vary:
The sunshine
My family vacation
Scoring the winning soccer goal
Seeing my grandmother
The 4th of July
What is a tool you can use next time you start to feel stressed or anxious?
Deep breathing
Talk to someone
Go for a walk outside
Write down my emotions
Name a popular pizza topping.