Name the Emotion
I Statements
Types of Coping Skills
True or False
What if?

You might feel this way if you work on a paper and study really hard only to find out you failed.

Disappointed, Let Down, Sad, Angry, Upset 


Create an I Statement for the following scenario:


Your friends didn't invite you to hang out 

I feel very hurt and upset when you all hang out without inviting me or assuming I don't want to hang out


Name one coping skill

Listening to music, deep breathing, yoga, journaling, talking with friends, watching a movie, taking a nap, literally anything 

Emotions go away if I push them down or avoid thinking about them


It may feel like our emotions go away, rather they will build up until we cannot take anymore causing us to explode 

What if I don't know what I am feeling?

Allow yourself time to reflect on the situation, review the emotions wheel, reflect on past situations or examples of when you felt an emotion

Not knowing what you are feeling is normal and okay, it may take time to specifically identify what you are feeling


You might feel this way when you someone pays you a complement

Happy, Excited, Proud, Embarrassed, Bashful


Create an I Statement for the following scenario: 


Parents asking you how your day was or how you are doing 

I have been feeling sad or depressed or down because I am stressed with school and dealing with a lot of stress, I would like some space to process and deal with it


Name the 5 types of coping skills

Thought challenging, Emotional release, Self-love, Grounding, Distraction

Anything can be a coping skill

True, in moderation 

Anything that helps us internalize, process, cope, or deal with our emotions, feelings, and situations is considered a coping skill. The question is if it is healthy coping skill


What if my coping skills aren't working?

Have a list of potential coping skills or plan for when you are escalated, giving you a list of things to do helps provide you with other options and things to do when one isn't working


You might feel this way after a long stressful week of school 

Overwhelmed, Tired, Anxious, Annoyed


Create an I Statement for the following scenario: 


Parents continue to nag or lecture you about your grades 

I feel overwhelmed when I am lectured or constantly reminded about my grades because I am working towards improving them. 


What is the purpose of coping skills?

To help you manage, process, internalize, or deal with emotions, feelings, and situations in healthy ways 

Distraction is the best coping skill. 


Distraction is a type of coping skill but it does not help us internalize, process, or cope with our emotions, rather it helps us avoid it and distracts us for a time


What if I don't want to use a coping skill?

Not wanting to use our coping skills is normal and part of the process, if you don't want to use a specific coping skill right now that is okay, give yourself time to be ready to process and deal with it later on

Avoiding using our coping skills can result in us being more stress and overwhelmed


You might feel this way after someone you love gives you a hug and tells you how much they appreciate you

Loved, Appreciated, Happy, Calm


Create an I Statement for the following scenario: 

Mad/Angry/ Frustrated 

Your parents are constantly reminding you to clean your room

I feel frustrated when I am reminded about cleaning my room because I do not know where to start or how 
Give a potential coping skill for the scenario: 

Having a rough week at school, failing a test, being overwhelmed and stressed

Exercise, Journaling, Yoga, Meditation, Talking with someone, Self Care 

I can feel more than one emotion


We can feel multiple emotions at once, even emotions that contradict one another, you may even experience different emotions for the same situation

Emotions are ever changing and evolving 


What if I am feeling overwhelmed and have used all my coping skills and don't have anything else to try?

It can be frustrating when we run out of coping skills, having a list of ones to try or people we can reach out to such as the crisis line are a great option

You might feel this way after you were rejected or broken up with

Sad, Depressed, Anxious, Angry, Upset, Hurt, Numb, Overwhelmed 


Create an I Statement for the following scenario: 


Being grounded and following the rules but still being grounded

I am feeling annoyed and agitated about being grounded because I feel that I have been doing better, I brought my grades up, I have been doing my chores, etc (explaining what you did to correct the behavior)


Give a potential coping skill for the scenario: 

Being angry and upset at parents because they are yelling at you or because you were grounded 

Tip: how do you internalize, process, and manage your emotion

Going for a walk, Journaling, Meditation, Expressing yourself (I statements), Venting to a friend, Exercise 

Coping skills with always work


Coping skills may help you in that particular situation, however they may not. Having multiple coping skills and levels of coping help you deal with different situations and give you the best chance of them working


What if I use an I statement and they don't listen?

It is hard to expect someone to change their behavior right way, continuing to use our I statements and expressing ourselves help insight that change and create our internal boundaries 
