You feel this when someone invites you to play or sit with them at lunch.
A classmate is sitting alone with their head down after a test. They might feel this way.
Sad or Disappointed
When you accidentally hurt someone’s feelings, the best thing to say is this.
I'm Sorry
Using words to describe your thoughts and feelings to someone you trust.
Talking it out, talking
If you see someone sitting alone at lunch, you can do this to be kind.
Ask them to sit with you/Ask if you can sit with them.
You might feel THIS way if...
You have to stand up for yourself.
Your friend is smiling and laughing while playing on the swings. What feeling are they showing?
If two friends want the same toy, you can solve the problem by doing this.
Share or Take Turns
If you’re feeling frustrated with a math problem, you can do this before trying again.
What is take a deep breath or ask for help?
If you accidentally bump into someone, you can say this to make it better.
I'm sorry
You might feel THIS way if...
There is no one to talk with
Your teacher looks frustrated when the class keeps talking during quiet time. What might they be feeling?
Angry or Frustrated
When you feel like yelling because you’re frustrated, you can do this instead to stay calm.
Take Deep Breaths, Walk Away, Ask for Help
When you’re upset during recess because someone didn’t include you or is hurting someone, this is a good adult to talk to.
Teacher, EA, Principal, any adult staff
If you feel mad because you didn’t win a game or get to do what you wanted, you can do this to calm down.
Take deep breaths, use coping skills,
This feeling might happen when you think something isn’t fair, like when someone skips ahead of you in line.
Angry or Mad
You notice that your friends' face and their eyes are wide and their mouth is wide open. What might they be feeling?
Surprised or shocked
If you’re having a problem with a peer or something you can't fix, this is a good person to talk to for help.
Teacher, Parent, Trusted Adult
If you’re feeling nervous about speaking in front of the class, you can remind yourself of something kind like this.
“I can do this” or “I’m doing my best” or something similar
When you don’t know the answer to a question in class, you can do this instead of feeling upset or refusing to do your work.
Ask for help
When you solve a tricky puzzle or win a game, this feeling makes you want to say, “I did it!”
A friend is covering their face with their hands after knocking over their drink in front of everyone. What might they be feeling?
You might feel THIS way if...
You're sweating, high pulse rate, upset stomach/butterflies in stomach.
Terrified, scared, anxious
If you’re angry because your group isn’t working well together, you can solve the problem by doing this first.
Talk it out calmly or ask the group to listen to each other
If someone says something mean to you, you can do this instead of being mean back.
Walk away, ignore them, tell a teacher or staff