What emotion might you feel if you are sick?
Sad, bored, lonely, tired
True or False: Its okay to feel Sad
True !
Can you have more than one feeling at a time?
When you're too upset to talk calmly, it's okay to say, " I need a ____"
Break, moment, walk
When your eyebrows are crossed, you feel hot, you turn red,
a feeling of worry
Nervous, anxiety
True or False: Ignoring your feelings make them go away
False- Ignoring your feelings only make them grow more
How are you feeling today?
Thank you for sharing!
What are coping skills?
something you do to calm yourself down
Carlos has his head down, you look over and notice his face is a little wet. What do you think Carlos is feeling?
you might feel this when something does not go the way you wanted
Disappointed, sad, angry
True or False: it is not okay to feel emotions like anger and jealousy
False- Our feelings are valid, it is all about how we cope with them
Give a staff member in the room a compliment
Thank you !
What is self-awareness?
knowing yourself and what you think, feel and believe
Excited (Excitement), Joy
you feel this when you're scared something bad is going to happen
Anxiety or fear or nervous
How might you feel if someone says they don't want to be your friend anymore?
Sad, Hurt, Confused, Frustrated, Upset
Give yourself a compliment
Thank you!
what does it mean to "stand in the other person's shoes" and why is it important
When someone is showing no interest in an activity and their body is tired, head is down, and they are yawning
when you are told that you won't be able to do something you want to do
Sad, angry
When someone is not in a good mood what is something you can do ?
Ask if there is anything you can do to help
Give them their space
Be a good friend / good listener
Share something you are grateful for
Thank you for sharing
Understanding and sharing other people's feelings and emotions