What is the definition of empathy?
The ability to read and understand others' feelings and thoughts, and letting the person know you understand in a positive way.
Name an event that could cause you to feel upset.
losing a pet, getting a bad grade, losing a race, forgeting your lunch, etc...
Your friend was making fun of someone in your grade what should you do???
Stand up for them, tell them to stop, be the bigger person.
What could you say to show empathy? Your classmate forgot his/her homework at home and is very upset because they get a conduct mark.
I'm sorry that you forgot your work. I'd be upset to get a conduct mark too. I understand how you feel because you never forget your work. I know how hard you're trying to get an E in conduct and I'm sorry.
What could you say to show empathy? Your sister has a huge mess in her room that her friends left.
This stinks. I'll help you clean this up. I know how a messy room bothers you. Can I help you? I'd be upset too if my friends made a mess in my room and didn't clean it up.
How would you feel if someone made fun of you for your style.
What could you say to show empathy? Your brother keeps getting farther and farther in his new video game.
Wow! You're really good at this. You rock! I'm so proud of you! You're the best!
You were hanging out with friends and you were excluded from the conversation.
upset, mad, angry, jealous, hurt
What could you say to show empathy? Your friend was nervous to read in front of the whole class and started stuttering. Everyone started to laugh.
Stop laughing! We'd all be nervous too. Take a deep breath! I know you can do it! I'd have a hard time reading in front of all these people too. I know it's hard to get in front of a big group.