Name an event that could cause you to feel upset.
losing a pet, getting a bad grade, losing a race, forgeting your lunch, etc...
How would the following person feel? A boy is constantly getting teased on the bus for his haircut.
depressed, embarrassed, sad, angry, mad, furious,
What could you say to show empathy? Your classmate forgot his/her homework at home and is very upset.
I'm sorry that you forgot your work. I'd be upset too. I understand how you feel because you never forget your work. I know how hard you're trying in class.
you got second place in the all school race
jealous, mad, frustrated, glad, happy, relieved
How would the following person feel? Jennifer won the art competition and received a medal.
Excited, happy, proud, thankful, surprised,
someone knocked your tray of food on the ground
angry, mad, upset, sad, embarrassed,