Empathy in ACTION
Explore Feelings
Empathy in ACTION 2

Give the definition of empathy.

Putting yourself in someone's shoes, seeing things from another person's point of view. understanding someone else's feelings


Mary said that she's really upset because she forgot her homework at home. What could you do to show empathy?

I'd listen to Mary to see how I could help. I'd say that I would be sad too if I did my homework and forgot it.  I'd offer to help Mary talk to the teacher.


Tell about a time you felt stressed



A classmate keeps getting teased and bullied on the playground. What should you do to show empathy?

A. You stay away so that you don't get teased. B. You join in with the teasing so you'll look cool. C. You stick up for your friend. D. You find another friend.


What is a word that might be used to describe a person who has a lot of empathy?

Kind, caring, understanding, sensitive, considerate


John is upset because Billy said, "Aw man!" when the teacher asked Billy to work with John. What could you do to show empathy to John?

I'd say, "Billy, that was not a kind thing to say. John's a great person and you should treat him with kindness." I'd offer to be John's partner. I'd say to John, "I'm sorry Billy said that to you. I'd be upset too if someone did that to me."


What is something that could cause a person to feel scared?



Your friend can't find her social studies homework. What can you do to show empathy?

A. Give her a compliment on her new haircut. B. You walk away so she can find it herself. C. You laugh at her. D. You help her look for it.


Tell about a time you displayed Empathy.

Student shares a story


Kathy won the Rodeo Art Contest out of all the kids in Tucson. What could you do to show empathy?

I'd say, "Wow Kathy! Congratulations on winning the contest! I'd be super excited if I were you too." "You are an awesome artist!" "That is so cool that you even beat all the kids in high school!"


What could cause someone to feel angry?



Your best friend is really excited because he just got a really cool video game. It was a game that you had wanted. What could you say or do to show empathy?

 A) You say, "That's great" and tell him he deserves getting such a cool game.


What does it mean to stand in someone else's shoes?

To try and understand their perspective, what is it like to be that person. Try to understand their feelings


Chris was determined to make a good grade on his spelling test so he studied every day after school for 45 minutes. He made an 89 on his spelling test. Stand in his shoes, how might Chris feel about this? What could you do to show empathy?

angry, upset, confused, shocked, sad, mad, embarrassed, ashamed, disappointed, proud, happy, hopeless, hopeful


Tell about a time you felt confident



Your friend is getting ready to go into the play-offs with her soccer team and she is pretty nervous. What can you say or do to show empathy?

A) You say, "It's just soccer. Don't worry about it!" B. You tell her you understand how she feels because you were really nervous, too, before your big game last year. etc


Give an example of Empathy in ACTION!

Understanding someone's feelings, but then DOING something to show you care.


Julio is really shy and feels so nervous to get up and talk in front of the class. He also learned English when he moved to the country a few years ago and doesn't feel that he can speak as well as the other kids in his class. How could you show empathy?

I'd tell Julio that I'd be nervous to speak in front of a lot of people too in a language that I just learned a few years ago. I'd ask Julio if he'd like to practice speaking with me so I could help him get more comfortable. I'd tell my teacher, with his permission, that he gets nervous and see if she has other ideas to help him.


Tell about a time you felt jealous?



Your mother comes home from work stressed out from a hard day. What could you say or do to show empathy?

 You set the table and help her get dinner ready.
