What state has the most Halloween attractions?
Ohio with 130 attractions.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, how much does the heaviest turkey on record weigh?
86 pounds
Hanukkah is celebrated for how many days?
8 days
How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
What are the three Zodiac signs of fall?
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
The most popular Halloween costume for 2023, according to Google is?
Statistically, what is Americans' favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
What is the main ingredient of latkes, which are traditionally eaten on hanukkah?
In A Christmas Story, what gift does Ralphie receive from his aunt?
A pink bunny suit.
What are the three Zodiac signs of winter?
Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
When was the last full moon on Halloween?
Which city's Thanksgiving Day Parade ends with Santa Claus getting a key to the city?
What family is the Hanukkah story about?
The Maccabees
What’s the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time?
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Which popular fall fruit is known as a “superfruit” due to its high nutrient and antioxidant content?
When was the Halloween song “Monster Mash” first recorded?
What is The loose red skin attached to the underside of a turkey’s beak called?
the wattle
What city did the Hanukkah story happen in?
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
Where were the first Winter Olympics held?
France- Chamonix
What famous magician died on Halloween?
Harry Houdini
When was the first thanksgiving NFL game?
what is another name for Hanukkah?
the Feast of Dedication or, more commonly, the Festival of Lights (or Feast of Lights).
Which U.S. state has a town called Santa Claus?
What is the shortest day of the year called?
Winter Solstice