As a Teacher
Teacher Procedures
As an Instructional Aide
IA Procedures
As an Employee

Useful educational tools that help children learn and recall through positive reinforcement.  They also can be used to display children's work.

What are bulletin boards?


Student quickly & quietly gets the pass from designated area, and places it on his/her desk.  After they return, they place the pass back from where they got it.

What is the bathroom pass procedure?


After this, you may take a 5 minute water break before going into class.

What is morning duty at the drop-off/arrival area?


During this time, assist the teacher in whatever capacity necessary.

 What is class time?


We are committed, giving and caring-- to self, peers, students, families and community.

What is Core Value #3?


Teachers should check this each morning.  An important communication tool. 

What is the journal?


We live in an age of over-stimulation. Children are bombarded with external stimuli such video games, smart phones etc. As a result of this, we as teachers, must ensure we do this. 

What is being over-engaging? (Or what is keep our students engaged?)


During morning exercises/devotions, you should do this for the students are they are saying them.

What is model the pledges?


On Fridays, you should check these for next week.  Be sure they are on the class calendar as well.  The card or book mark should already be attached to the desk when the child arrives. 

What are birthdays?


We strive for excellence-- celebrating not only success, but progress.

What is Core Value #1


Check the pick up book.  Use the walkie talkie to call the office to verify.  Check ID to verify name given by office.

What is the procedure if an unauthorized person comes to pick up a a student?

He/She will be posted in the driveway directing the flow of vehicles.

Who is the Teacher on Duty during inclement weather?


Do not leave children unsupervised here, even for a couple of minutes. If you do have to leave for some reason, call another staff to monitor before leaving.

What is the playground?


Return all of these to green at the end of each day.

What are the clips?


We passionately pursue growth and learning-- persevering and embracing change with grit and grace. 

What is Core Value #2?


Submit on Google drive by 8am. Kinder- Tuesdays, Grades 1-3- Wednesdays, Grades 4-6 on Thursdays

What are lesson plans?


This must be recorded in the class register and also entered on your chromebook in Gradelogics each morning. 

What is (students') attendance?


This should be done mainly while circulating around the class, as the students are working. 

What is the marking of papers and/or books?


Help maintain discipline and order here. Students are not allowed to eat or do homework-- and no one should be running up and down. 

Where is the bottom pick-up area?


We are a team.  We are team of passionate leaders dedicated to going the extra mile to instill purpose and inspire dreams.

What is Core Value #4?


As educators individually and as a school as a whole, we need to increase this in our methodology.

What is critical thinking?


Studies have shown that changing this stimulates the learning desires, which could lead to greater attention and focus.

What is the visual environment? 


With a smile and warm___________ greeting, escort children from the cars, opening the door for all ages of students. 

What is enthusiastic?


It is important that you grow in these two "C"'s with your teacher to be most effective. 

What is collaboration and communication?


If a staff member is unable to attend for a specified reason, they must submit a request to the principal by email at least one week prior. 

What are extra-curricular events/PTA functions?
