What is minimum wage?
Do employers have to provide safety gear on the job?
Yes, employers are required to provide safety gear, harnesses, and to protect employees from toxic chemicals.
Can employers refuse to hire someone due to their age?
No, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against someone due to their age.
Who is a ‘qualified individual’ under the ADA?
A person with the legitimate skill, experience, education or other requirement of the employment position that can perform the functions of the position with or without accommodations.
What are you paid for overtime?
One and a half normal wages (if you are an hourly employee- salaried employees earn their usual income)
Do employers have to provide training?
Yes, employers must train employees in a language they understand.
Can coworkers harass or tease someone because of their age?
No. Department of Labor law requires that the workplace environment be free from harassment.
Are all people with disabilities covered by the ADA?
It depends. Some people with disabilities are not employed and are not seeking employment, so they would not be covered.
Does time spend in training, traveling from site to site or doing repair work at the place where you are employed have to be paid?
Generally, yes.
Can you be fired for reporting unsafe conditions in the workplace?
No, you have the right to be protected from workplace retaliation for reporting injuries or safety concerns
Can you be forced to resign or given lesser assignments because of your sexual orientation?
No, your sexual orientation is not grounds for workplace discrimination.
What are some accommodations that an employee may need?
Answers may include: additional training, reassigning a current employee to another position, providing an interpreter, or modifying equipment.
Can employers pay you below minimum wage if you are under 20 years old?
Yes, but only for the first 90 days of employment.
Can children work on agricultural farms under age 14?
Yes, farm employment settings are exempt from traditional federal child labor laws.
Do women and men have to be paid the same in the workplace?
Yes, Department of Labor law requires that people need to be paid equally for equal work in both the public and private work sectors.
Is a business’s landlord or tenant required for upholding the ADA?
Both the tenant and the landlord are responsible for upholding the requirements of the ADA.
Can employers pay tipped employees less than minimum wage? (
Yes, employees that earn tips can be paid a cash of $2.13 per hour if the tip makes up the difference from $2.13 to the minimum wage of $7.25.
14 and 15 year olds can only work until _____pm during school.
Do people with disabilities have to tell them employer that they have a disability?
No, self-disclosure is optional but may help the employee receive reasonable accommodations in the workplace.
Are service animals allowed in businesses that have a ‘no pets’ policy?
Yes, businesses are not allowed to exclude service animals in a no pets clause.